Boat Making Activity

Gurukul Global School organized a boat making activity for their pre-primary students on 02 July 2024. This activity aimed to foster creativity and improve fine motor skills. The teachers demonstrated how to make paper boats through step-by-step folding, which the […]

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Blue Day celebration

That event sounds like a blast! The “Blue Day” celebration is a popular activity in pre-primary schools, where young children dress in blue and participate in various blue-themed activities. The event aims to teach kids about colours, especially blue, promote […]

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Elections for class monitors

Today, Gurukul Global School held its much-anticipated elections for class monitors. This event was a significant opportunity for students to experience the democratic process firsthand and take on leadership roles within their classrooms. The election process began with each candidate […]

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International Yoga Day

On June 21, 2024, our school celebrated International Yoga Day with great enthusiasm and zeal. The event was organized to emphasize the importance of yoga in promoting physical and mental well-being among students and staff. Special guest: Yoga instructor Mrs […]

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The Father’s Day celebration

The Father’s Day celebration at Gurukul Global School was a resounding success. It not only provided an opportunity for students to express their love and gratitude but also strengthened the bond between fathers and their children. The event concluded with […]

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Earth Day Celebration

Gurukul Global School commemorates Earth Day on Monday, 22 April 2024. Each year, on this day, we come together to honor and raise awareness about environmental concerns on a global scale and recognize the ongoing initiatives aimed at preserving our […]

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PUC check Activity

20/04/2024 Gurukul Global School’s Rising Stars recently took part in a PUC check Activity to raise awareness about the importance of having a Pollution Under Control (PUC) certificate for vehicles. It is essential for all vehicles in India to have […]

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