Rules Regulations

  1. Any inquiry regarding academic achievement or behavior of the child may be made with the class teacher or the subject teacher concemed only on the last working day of every month between 9.00 a. m. to 12.00 noon.
  2. correspondence All correspo should be made through the school office. In writing to the school regarding regarding the child, parents should mention the name, the standard and the division in which he / she is studying
  3. The parents’ signature in the diary would mean that the rules and remarks entered by the school authorities have been read through.
  4. Parents are requested to inform the school in case of any change in their address or telephone number.
  5. Distribution of sweets and gifts to children and members of the staff on any occasion is not permitted
  6. Parents and guardians are requested to encourage regularity and discipline. They must be polite when communicating with teachers/staff. While picking or dropping students or coming to school on any business, parents must be dressed in formal/semi formal wear.
  7. Parents are requested to inform the Principal before engaging any teacher from the school as a private tutor.
  1. No leave of absence will be granted during the term except under very special circumstances.
  2. No half day leave is granted to students, except in an emergency.
  3. No student will be allowed to take an exam and report card will not be givern unless all dues have been cleared.
  4. In case of change of name and person in escort card, parents have to submit the previous escort card and buy a new escort card.


  1. Registration forms for admission are issued in October. Every year new admissions will be made subject to availability of seats. No correspondence will be entertained regarding admission.
  2. No School Leaving Certificate will be issued without a written application from the parents/guardian in the prescribed form available in the school diary. A notice of one full calendar month is to be given before the withdrawal of the pupil, otherwise fees will be charged for the notice period.
  3. No claim for a remission or refund will be entertained, except for the security charges.


  • Application for cancellation should be submitted personally in the Administrative Office only
  • Each academic year has two terms. Term fees are charged twice a year, further divided into four equal quarters.
  • In case of cancellation of admission an advance notice of one full month will be required failing which, one month’s tuition fees along with the term fee, for that particular term will have to be paid for clearing of all the dues.
  • If a student is not continuing for the next academic year, the parents need to put in the cancellation before 15th April of the current academic year failing which, one month’s tuition fee, term fee as explained above along with 1/4th of other charges/computer fee will be have to be paid for clearing of all the dues.

The following documents must be attached with the application for cancellation, without which it will not be accepted.

  • Leaving certificate application format available in student’s almanac duly filed and signed by both parents
  • Original security deposit receipt
  • Copy of last quarter fees paid (Fee Book)
  • Student’s identity card and parent’s/guardian’s escort card

Banking Hours: Monday to Suturday 8.30am to 1.30p.m


  • 1) Each student must be neatly dressed in complete school uniform with ID Card The E Card is not transferable. It must be returned to the School Admin Office upon cancellation of admission. Loss, theft for damage must be reported immediately in writing to the School Administrative Office. A duplicate card will be issued against an application received from a parent along with Rs. 100/-1 All the students are required to wear black rain shoes during the monsoon.
  • Girls’ hair must be in two plaits tied with black ribbon only. No Nail Polish/Mehenc /Kajal etc. is allowed.
  • Boy’s hair should not touch the collar but should be cut a little above the ear lobes No fancy hair cuts are permitted.
  • No Jewellery or fancy wrist watches are permitted.


  1. Each pupil is responsible for his/her own belongings
  2. Silence must be observed in the whole school during class hours 3 Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the school. No mobile phone gadget or CDs should be carried by students, Any material unrelated to studies in the school will be confiscated.
  3. If a child is caught bringing fusing mobile phone in school, the mobile phone will be confiscated. It will be handed over to the parents only with a monetary fine and an undertaking by the parents.No collection of money should be made without the sanction of the Principal Minimum 75% of attendance is essential for promotion.
  4. Students traveling by the school bus are expected to be polite and courteous in the bus. Anyone found misbehaving will be debarred from using the bus facility
  5. The Class monitor is also responsible for the order and discipline of the class.
  6. The Principal reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any pupil if his/her behavior unsatisfactory
  7. Students are expected to keep THE SCHOOL PREMISES CLEAN
  8. Students must contribute to the high tone of the School by their manners an behavior
  9. Any damage caused to the school property must be made good
  10. The Principal may levy a fine / penalty on the individual/group responsible for thir damage
  11. “Any pupil who is persistently insubordinate or is repeatedly or wilfully mischievou or is guilty of malpractice in connection with examination or has committed an acto serious indiscipline and/or misbehavior or who, in the opinion, of the Head of t School, has an unwholesome influence on his fellow pupils, may be expelled permanently or removed from the school for a specified period by the Head of the School (Secondary School Code: Govt. of Maharashtra)


The attention of parents/guardians is drawn to the following extracts from the Regulation for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.

Conditions of Entry:

  • “Entry to the (Indian School Certificate Examination/Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination) in the case of eligible candidates who are being entered for the first time’ is restricted to candidates with a minimum of 75 attendance of the working days during each year of the two year course at school (s) affiliated to the Council and registered for the (Indian School Certificate Examination / Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination). The last date of computing attendance at schools is February 15 of the year of the examination, Minimum Attendance Requirement
  • “Candidates whose attendance is below 75% of the working days are ordinarily NOT eligible to sit for the examination,”
  • Parents/Guardians are requested to ensure that their ward’s attendance at School is regular. If it is not in conformity with the regulations quoted above, he/she runs the grave risk of not being permitted to appear for the Final examination at the end of the year.


  1. Leave of absence is granted only in unavoidable cases and only on previous written intimation by the parent or the guardian.
  2. When a child is ill for more than three days, the parents/guardian must inform the Principal. A medical certificate should be submitted along with the leave application
  3. Absence from school for a fortnight without intimation may render the student’s name liable to be struck off the rolls.
  4. Absenteeism just prior to the commencement of terminal examinations will not be condoned.
  5. No extension of vacation is allowed without prior permission.
  6. Pupil who are convalescing after an infectious disease will not be allowed to attend school unless a medical fitness certificate is produced.
  7. No student will be allowed to leave the school for a part of the day.
  8. Medical appointment should be made on Saturdays or after school hours, as far as possible
  9. Pupils who are absent from examinations will not be eligible for any awards.
  10. Examination cannot be taken before or after the date announced.

LIBRARY (Student’s Section)

Books must be kept clean and used carefully No marking should be done in the Library books. Any damage done to them must be reported to the School Librarian before taking them home. The damage done to books/magazines will have to be made good by the pupil concerned All books must be returned in good condition before the beginning of the finalexamination and before a Leaving Certificate is issued. The borrower who fails to return a book must pay a fine equal to the value of the book or replace the book.

a. Students will be give one Library Card. If the card is lost, a duplicate card must be obtained from the library on payment of Rs 50/-

b. If the book issued by the student is not returned on or before the due date, fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be charged including holidays.

Other Activities:

Include Monsoon treks, Annual Class Picnic and Educational Excursions, Art & Craft Exhibitions.

To Parents

  1. Parents are required
  2. (i) To read the rules and regulations carefully before signing on this page. (Refer to printed format)
  3. (ii) To give the child the diary every day.
  1. If a pupil has lost or misplaced the School Diary another will be supplied on parent’s request in writing, from the office on payment of Rs. 100/-
  2. Parents are informed that communication from the teachers is through this Diary which must be taken note of and duly signed.
  3. Both declaration forms (Form A) and General Checkup form should be filled and submitted on the day school re-opens. In case of students suffering from a medical condition, full details, along with precautions / medication should be mentioned in the yellow slip. It must be accompanied by the prescription of a registered medical practitioner. It must be updated every year. Changes, if any, must be duly communicated to the school.
  4. It is mandatory to fill all columns. In case of any change such as, change in address, contact number, email id, bus, etc. please inform in writing to the administrative office between 8:30 am. to 11:30 am. on all working days.
  5. Parents are expected to attend a meeting on the fourth saturday of each month and are requested to bring there word’s school diary with them.
  6. Please make sure to keep the list of competitions and activities at home