School Notice


                     GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/31 /19-20                                                                Date:  08-08-2019

Dear, Teachers,

Please note the following Points.

1]For contacting parents please use the school tab. Don’t use your personal phone for the same.

2] The font style and size for the question paper is Calibri of 14

3] Worksheet checking has to be done today itself.

4] Please remind the students about SOF.

5] Please mark your attendance in biometric while coming and leaving.

6] Dear code for 15th Aug is white kurta give leggings and saffron Dupatta.

7] On parents meeting teachers are requested to wear saree.

8] Teachers who are there is the class during 1dt lecture is requested to take the attendance and daily book.

9] All class test paper of all subject which you had condected yet is to be submitted on 14th August .to Rohini Madam.

10] Worksheet to be Made.

I – EVS , Computer , Marathi.

II – EVS , Computer , Marathi.

III – EVS , Computer , Marathi.

IV – Science , SS , Computer , Marathi

V – Science , SS , Computer , Marathi

VI – Hindi , Science , SS , Computer , Marathi

VII – Eng.Grammer ,Hindi , Science , SS , Computer , Marathi

Above motioned worksheets has to be submitted before.

11] On 13th Aug.2019 we are celebrating Our school Founder’s Day.

The Schedule for the same is as follows.

Incharge :-  Hemlatha Madam.

8.30 am –Students from Std I –V

            Will plant a tree / Farming.

9.00 am – Founder Felicitation

            –       (Principle Madam)

  • Speech by Principal Madam.
  • Song (Mariya  madam) 


GGS/Circular/   32 /19-20                                                          Date:  13-08-2019


Please note the following intractions

1] Rakshabandhan notice is to be gives to the students , bring will bring Rakhi and boys will bring gift such as Pencil,Pen or as etices.

2] Please inform students from std I –V that French class for this week will be held on Wednesday (14/8/2019) Inform parents the same through ERP.

3] All teachers are requested to submit the question paper with answer key for today End of the day.

4] Uniform of students from Std V –VII is available at the shop ‘Mathura “ Contact no. of Concerned person is 9175208086,inform the parents through ERP.

6] Students should be is PT uniform for Independence day celebration.

7]Students of primary from I – V will be having ‘Best out of Waste ‘Rakhi Making’.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/  33 /19-20                                                             Date:  13-08-2019

1] Students from class 1 -7 reporting tiing is 6.50 am

2] Teacher dress code for Independence day is White Kurta ,Green Leggind and Saffron Duppatta.

3] Teachers have to give students who were absent yesterday 13th August,Thusday) the syllabus and paper pattern of PA-2.

4]Class I –VII Compulsory attendance on 16th August, no holiday due to exams. It’s regular school.

5] Students from class I – VII have to Compulsory come in school uniform on 15th August.(No PT uniform

6] Dispersal of students will be at9.15 am from Panchyat samiti.Parents have to compulsory pick up their ward from the given location.

7] Class I –VII students have to bring their tiffin and water bottle.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/      /19-20                                                          Date:  16-08-2019


1] Muster details has to be completed on before 20/8/2019

2] School dairy[Students details]Paper has to be submitted on before 20/8/2019

3] VI and VII std class test question paper of 10 marks has to be submitted by 21/8/2019

4] 8/8/2019 a notice was given about teachers do submit the worksheet by today end of the day.

 Those who haven’t made yet, meat principle madam with proper explanation.

5] Please note tomorrow 17/8/2019 Saturday is been declared as holiday on the occasion of Parsi New Year.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/      /19-20                                                        Date:  19-08-2019

Dear, Teacher

1] The students from class I –class 5,are going to appear for re-exam for English Subject at 12.50 today.

2] Kindly give the details about tomorrows and other subjects of the whole week , prior notice only.

3] Teachers have to meet me as and when free.

4]Thursday 22/8/2019 exam paper respective subject teachers have to show the correction completion

Before 2 pm. today.

5] Register of class, should be completed today.

                                 GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 41/19-20                                                        Date:  20-08-2019

Dear Teachers,

1] Syllabus for SA I for class 6 – 7 should be shown to me today.

2] Class 6 and 7 teachers should prepare 10 marks class test for every lesson (handwritten) before Friday (23rd August) for all Subjects.

3] PA – 2 , Exam (English paper Std 1st  to 5th )Checking should be done by Thursday along with re-checking.

4] Neha Should create exam on ERP by today.

5] Log book has to be submitted by all teachers by Monday (26th August)

6] Lesson plan of today and tomorrow should be submitted to me by today (In teachers note book)


GGS/Circular/       /19-20                                                             Date:  30-08-2019

Dear Teacher,

            Students have Ganpati holiday from 2/9/2019 to 7/9/2019 school re-open on Monday ,9/9/2019 Give this notice in diary as well as on ERP.

            Teachers have to give holiday homework to the students today it self. Std I to III students they will get printed notice about homework and remaining classes /students will write homework in their diaries.

            Teachers from std I – VII have to submit class test papers Today Online exam papers , worksheets for SA-I and Question paper of SA-I after Ganpati holidays on Monday 9/9/2019.

            Syllabus for SA-I exam from std  I – V have to submit today.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/       /19-20                                                               Date:  9-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

1] Tomorrow 10th September 2019,the school will remain closed on account of Moharam.

2] Students of class I-VII have to compulsory bring 1 dozen (12) full scapes paper and hand it to their erspective class teachers.

3] Class Teachers from I – VII have to make GK paper of 25 marks, Drawing teacher has to make Art paper of 25 marks and computer teacher has to make computer paper of 25 marks.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/       /19-20                                                             Date:  11-09-2019

Dear Teacher,

            For I and VII students,[Diary and ERP Printed]

                       Tomorrow on 12/9/2019 the school will function as a half day. on be half of ‘ Anant  Chathurdashi’ school timing will be till 12.30p.m.Student should bring first 6  periods.

            For I to VII all class teachers take Olympiad from Alephs and distribute today itself.

            1] Class teachers of std VI and VII have to submit PA-I exams marks on app.

            2] PA-II exam papers of std I-V ,have to re check today itself.

            3] Neha maam have to take out Green sheet of PA-I exam of Std-I –V today . Tomorrow she has to take out of std VI-VII .PA –I exam Green sheet and Result.

            4] For Nazmeen Maam –Submit II –VII std.Class test Paper today.

            5] Class teacher of I-V std have to take Hindi Song Competition on 13th sep.3rd and 4thperiod.and VI-VII std class teachers have to take debate competition at 1st and 2ndperiodS.

            6] In second recess all teachers have to submit online exam papers to Mariya Maam.


GGS/Circular/      /19-20                                                                 Date:  13-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

   Tomorrow 14th September 2019 I – V.And Open House for Class VI and VII.

Timings:- 8.30 am – 11 am.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/       /19-20                                                             Date:  16-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

 All Teachers have to submit yearly plan, subject Activity list, Saturday teachers training report today.

1] Aditi maam has to give English teachers training report also and submit primary’s activity book today.

2] Neha maam has to submit computers paractical time table (dates) from std I –VII and make CD of all activities and competitions Photos.

3]Ranjita maam has to give drawing paper of SA-I and Std I –VII

4] Jyotsana maam has to call Arradhya malbari from 2ndstd after change her Olympiad subject science to English.

5] Class Teachers of std I-VII(Diary and ERP)

Olympiad dates are finalized. So give this notice and dates students

IEO (English Olympiad)- 5th November

IMO (Maths Olympiad)- 5thDecebber.

6] Class teachers from I – VII have to call Parents who were absent on PTM and OPEN DAY.

7]Give ID cards and PA-I report card to students.


GGS/Circular/ 52/19-20                                                                Date:  17-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

 1] For  Navratri celebration we are going to celebrate 2nd day of Navaratri (colour White).Take activity of White colour on 30th September 2019.and ‘Garba Celebration is on 7th October 19 ,Monday .Students should come in colourful dress.

2] For class I – VIII are as follows.

9/10/2019 Wednesday –English

10/10/2019 Thursday – Maths

11/10/2019 Friday – Science

12/10/2019 Saturday – S.S (Class IV –VII)

3] On 7th October 19,there will be Garba Celebration’ Students should wear colourful dress.

4] English and Hindi teachers give 20 Dictation words of S.A-I Syllabus tomorrow to Mariya Maam of Class I –III.

5] English teachers have to make the grammar worksheets according to lesson and submit them on 19/7/2019,Thursday.

6] Classteacher of class I-IV have to give winner names of Hindi Diwas Celebration (Song And Speech ) and Classof V – VII have to give winner students name.

7] Class teachers from I – VII std have to collect their standards all worksheets from A rachana Mavshi and teacher s have to staple all subjects worksheets together and then give them to the students write students Roll no them.

8] G.K teachers have to show their syllabus to Mariya Maam tomorrow.


GGS/Circular/ 53/19-20                                                                 Date:  20-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

This is to inform you that On Monday Class 1 – 3 and on Tuesday class 4-7 our students will be taken for Industrial visit to ‘Kedia Paper’ India Pvt.Ltd.Wada. This is during school hours only children should. Bring time table books from 6th period onwards, along with their Tiffin box.


GGS/Circular/ 54/19-20                                                            Date:  23-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

            1] All class teachers have to submit their SA-I exam’s paper today with answer keys.

            2] There is OPEN DAY of PA-II from class I – V on Saturday 28/9/2019.

            3] Enter marks of PA- II exams on ERP.

            4] Subject teachers fill the given table of Online exam.

Time Table:-


GGS/Circular/ 55/19-20                                                           Date:  24-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

            1] Class Test time table for SA-I Syllabus is given below. Teachers have to write lesson name in front of lesson number and give this time table to students today.

            2] Subject teachers take class test papers from Riya maam and give them to class teachers.After completion of paper (exam) give / submit class test paper to Riya Maam.

Date Std Name
26/9/2019 I  
Marathi II  
Date Std Name
27/9/2019 I  
Hindi II  
Date Std Name
30/9/2019 I  
Maths II  
Date Std Name
1/10/2019 IV  
S.S V  
Date Std Name
3/10/2019 I  
Sci / EVS II  
Date Std Name
4/10/2019 I  
English II  
Grammar III  

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 56/19-20                                                                Date:  24-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

1]Students should wear Black shoes and white socks with Regular uniform and White shoes and White socks with PT uniform class teachers have to check this. And call the parents of that student who are not wearing the shoes .class teachers also check the tie, bow and belt of students.

2] Class teachers of VII std have to put attendance of all students who are going for Drawing Grade Exam.

3] All teachers have to garnered in both break in staffroom for this week.

4] All class teachers have to take App notice from students which we gave them yesterday and submit those from to Riya Landage Maam.


GGS/Circular/ 57/19-20                                                              Date:  26-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

            Kindly Note ,Open Day for STD I – STD V. is scheduled on Saturday 28 September 2019.Timings For the same will be 9.00

am – 10.00am.


GGS/Circular/ 57/19-20                                                                  Date:  26-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

1] For Std.VII,

            There is regular school on Saturday 28/9/2019 till 12.30pm.

  • For JEE students – class timing will be 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm.
  • Bus facility will be available for all students.
  • Time Table for std VII –Saturday.
8.15 – 9.15 Maths
9.15 – 9.30 Break
9.30 – 10.30 Sanskrit
10.30 – 11.30 S.S
11.30 – 12.30 Science
12.30 – 1.00 Break
1.00 – 3.00 JEE

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 60/19-20                                                                   Date:  27-9-2019

Dear Teacher,

Tomorrow on 4th Saturday (28/9/2019) there will be regular working for all teachers. Tomorrow there is Open day for Std.I –V so,teachers have to wear saree only.and give notice to class I –VI,students,that tomorrow they have a holiday. But the presence of parents for open day is compulsory.

        On Monday 30/9/2019, all teachers have to come in ‘White color’ attire / dress.


GGS/Circular/ 61/19-20                                                               Date:  01-10-2019

Dear Teacher,

*Students from Std. I –VII have to write an  Essay on the topic ‘ My Father ‘ on a full scap paper. They have to submit the essay to the class teachers on Thursday and it is compulsory to all.                    

*There will be an essay competition on the topic ‘ Dignity of Labour ‘ for std IV – VII on Friday‘ 4th October 2019. Students should be well prepared For it.                                                                                           

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 62/19-20                                                                 Date:  01-10-2019

Dear Teacher,

Tomorrow ,02/10/2019 Wednesday  there is holiday on account of ‘ Gandhi Jayanti’

Students from I – VII have to bring one hand gloves and mask compulsory on 3/10/2019 as we are going to conduct ‘Swachhta Abhiyan’ in school.

                                              GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 63/19-20                                                               Date:  03-10-2019

Dear Teacher,

            Tomorrow, 4/10/2019 students from std.IV – VII std. have Essay competition in the following periods.

Std :- IV – 3rd S.S

           V – 7th   English

           VI – 6th             S.S

           VII – 3rd           Lib.

( Mentioned subject teacher will take competition Topic for the same is already given.)

  • On Saturday , 5/10/2019 students from Std I – VII are going to ‘ Nursery Visit ‘tomorrow give this notice to students.
  • There is ‘ Drawing Competition ‘for std III –V tomorrow. This competition will be taken in 1st period (MPT).Ranjita maam will take in charge of all the things regarding this competition. and Remaining classes.( I , II ,VI and VII )will continue in MPT.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 64/19-20                                                             Date:  04-10-2019

Dear Teacher,

For I to VII students tomorrow,5/10/2019 on Saturday school time will be 8.30 to 2.20. So, Students should bring extra tiffin.

  • I,II,III  class teacher will take care of value education subject. for SA-I Exam we are going to take value Education for I to VII grade students.(20 marks paper will be there)
  • Neha Madam gives us your Computer practical exam date.
  •  For Saturday follow the given Time – Table to the students.

9.30 -9.45 Break

12.30 -12.45 Break

12.45 -2.20 Nursery Visit

Note:- For Std.IV and V students have English class Test tomorrow.


GGS/Circular/ 65/19-20                                                                Date:  05-10-2019

Dear Teacher,

     1] Those students whose notebooks and worksheets are incomplete , make them to sit in line inside the classroom to complete it.

     2] Collect the given worksheets from the students and check it.

     3] Teachers who had not submitted answer keys of (PA I ,PA II,SA I) have to complete it and handover  to Riya Maam.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 66/19-20                                                             Date:  09-10-2019

Dear Teacher,

            Teachers please note, you have to send a notice to parents stating that, kindly note, from today 9/10/2019 online exam start please makes your child ready. For the same,(Please mention today paper password and time)


GGS/Circular/ 67/19-20                                                                 Date:  11-10-2019

Dear Teacher,

            Yesterday’s Maths Online exam will be on Saturday due to some technical problem .Give this notice on ERP as well as well as in diary.

            Timing of 2nd Saturday PTM will be from 11.0 to 12.00 only.

            We are going to give hall tickets of SA-I exam to students. all students have to bring it everyday during exam.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 68/19-20                                                                  Date:  17-10-2019

Dear Teacher, 

          On Saturday,19/10/2019 there will be regular school for std I –VII because of ‘ Eye Checking Camp’ Students have to bring extra Tiffin.

     Std I – III on Saturday,19/10/19 bring Abacus book and kit.

After exam those teachers who does not have supervision or relieving ,they have to take care of remaining students


                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 71 /19-20                                                              Date:  11-11-2019

Dear Teacher,

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 69 /19-20                                                               Date:  23-11-2019

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 70 /19-20                                                               Date:  07-11-2019

Dear Teacher,

            Make a Syllabus of next  PA-III ,PA –IV and SA-II  together on one page and give it Riya Landge.All class teachers have to make syllabus of G.K and Value Education for the next exam. Subject Teachers have to make marks distribution as given bellow- Grammar -12 marks ,Textbook – 8 Marks. Out of 20 Marks.

Those subjects are having workbook (Maths, English, Hindi) they are not going to Make worksheets for next SA-II syllabus but rest subject teachers have to make worksheets for the next syllabus.

Remaining subject teachers have to submit their worksheets for P.A-III on Monday.

All Teachers have to submit lesson plan till S.A-II on Monday.

Tarannum and Jyotsana maam submit exam time –table of failure students to Riya Landage.



GGS/Circular/ 71 /19-20                                                            Date:  11-11-2019

Dear Teacher,

            For std I to VII students,

            On 14/11/2019,Thursday school has arrange a cinema watching activity at ‘ Kailas Taukis’ on account of children’s day’. Students have to bring Rs.35/- for the move.

Name:- Khari Biscuit

Time :- 9.00 to – 11.00

Dress :- Colorful.

            Student have to bring extra dry Snacks,etc.for the same. students have to pay the money tomorrow only to the class teacher.


  DATE:- 15/11/2019

Dear Parents,

            Kindly note that, on 16/11/2019 Saturday There is open day of S.A.-I exam. Timing for the same is 9.00-10.00 only. After 10.00 all teachers will be unavailable due to teachers training program. Attendance of all parents should be compulsory.

            Parents please note that you have to paid minimum 80% fees of your ward before open day and remaining 20% you have to pay in month of December. Ignore if you have paid. Please cooperate with the school.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 72 /19-20                                                           Date:  21-11-2019

Dear Students

            For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std I to VI students,

                        Students have to bring Fruit on Monday 25/11/2019. For Celebrating fruit salad activity.

Note:- Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 73 /19-20                                                          Date:  27-11-2019

Dear Teacher,

    Send the ERP .Please do sign on the Teachers remark page of your children’s dairy regularly .

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 74 /19-20                                                            Date:  16-12-2019

Dear Teacher,

      For VI and Vii Grade students

         From tomorrow on words till sports day, all students are going to wear sports uniform and canvas Shoes.

  For I to V grade students

  Tuesday on 17/12/2019,Wednesday on 18/12/2019 al  students are going to wear sports uniform and canvas shoes.

  for I to Vii Grade class teachers

  All Class teachers should give details of game (Name of game class wise)to students in dairy and on ERP .

[All teachers will get all sports related information on board(Near Staff room)

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 75 /19-20                                                             Date:  20-12-2019

        For Std, I to VII students

                        There will regular school till 2.30 on Saturday,21/12/2019

                        Bring Abacus book and kit on Saturday 21/12/2019.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 76/19-20                                                              Date:  21-12-2019

            For STD I to VII students,

                        1] All students have to bring diary, water bottle, any juice( Lemon Sarbat,Glucon-D) and extra Tiffin during Sports day.

                        2] Maths and Science teacher of std I to VII have to give working projects to the students today and send on ERP also.

                                                  GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA

GGS/Circular/ 77/19-20                                                               Date:  23-12-2019

     For Teachers,

            Teachers holidays are from 25/12/2019 to 30/12/2019.Teachers have to come on 31/12/2019.

  For Students,

            Christmas Vacation from 25/12/2019 to 31/12/2019.School will be re-opens on 1/1/2020.Timing for 1/1/2020 is 8.30 to 11.20am.


  For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std I to IV students,

                        Students have to bring Fruit on Monday 25/11/2019. For Celebrating fruit salad activity.

Note:- 1] Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

             2] Students should follow Food chart Regularly.


  For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std I to IV students,

                        Students have to bring Fruit on Monday 25/11/2019. For Celebrating fruit salad activity.

Note:- 1] Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

             2] Students should follow Food chart Regularly.



 For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std I to IV students,

                        Students have to bring Fruit on Monday 25/11/2019. For Celebrating fruit salad activity.

Note:- 1] Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

             2] Students should follow Food chart Regularly.


 For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std I to IV students,

                        Students have to bring Fruit on Monday 25/11/2019. For Celebrating fruit salad activity.

Note:- 1] Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

             2] Students should follow Food chart Regularly.


For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std V to VII students,

Students have to bring required material for Sandwich Making. Students have to make Sandwich in their classes.

Note:-1] Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

             2] Students should follow Food chart Regularly.


For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std V to VII students,

            Students have to bring required material for Sandwich Making. Students have to make Sandwich in their classes.

Note:-1] Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

             2] Students should follow Food chart Regularly.


For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std V to VII students,

Students have to bring required material for Sandwich Making. Students have to make Sandwich in their classes.

Note:-1] Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

             2] Students should follow Food chart Regularly.


For std I to VII students,

                        All Students have to bring any two dry fruits and One fruit everyday in their Tiffin .

For std V to VII students,

Students have to bring required material for Sandwich Making. Students have to make Sandwich in their classes.

Note:-1] Dear Parents Please clear your Ward’s Pending Fees.

             2] Students should follow Food chart Regularly.

                                              GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA                                                         DATE:-28/11/2019

Dear Parents,

            Kindly note that, Distribution of chocolates are not allowed in school, please send any Reading book or story book with your ward on their birthday instead of distributing chocolates The chocolates are not healthy for students and the book will be useful for all students as we keep that book in library.

                              GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,WADA                                                         DATE:-28/11/2019

Dear Parents,

            Kindly note that, Distribution of chocolates are not allowed in school, please send any Reading book or story book with your ward on their birthday instead of distributing chocolates The chocolates are not healthy for students and the book will be useful for all students as we keep that book in library.



Dear Parents,

            Kindly note that, Distribution of chocolates are not allowed in school, please send any Reading book or story book with your ward on their birthday instead of distributing chocolates The chocolates are not healthy for students and the book will be useful for all students as we keep that book in library.



Dear Parents,

            Kindly note that, Distribution of chocolates are not allowed in school, please send any Reading book or story book with your ward on their birthday instead of distributing chocolates The chocolates are not healthy for students and the book will be useful for all students as we keep that book in library.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Date:-24th March 2021

Circular no. 01

Notice Dear parents kindly note that,

Annual Result of Academic Year 2020-21 will be on Wednesday ,25-03-2021.Parents are requested to come in given time to collect Report Card of their ward.


Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Date:-26th March 2021

Circular no.02


Dear Students,

This is to inform you that there will be  mini vacation from 29/03/21 to 03/04/21. chool will be reopen from 05/04/21.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Date:-27th March 2021

Circular no 03

Dear Parents of STD 6th to 7th,

Given below is the list of std 6th to std 7th notebooks, which  have to buy from the book shop.

Hindi – 100pg.

English – 100pg.

Maths  – 100pg.

Science – 100pg

LS. S   – 100pg

Marathi- 100pg.

Science Practical journal.

Note :- 1) All notebooks should be long notebook.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.04 Date:-1st  April 2021

Dear Students / Parents,

This is inform to you that School is going to conduct Reading Competition on 02/04/2021. Students can choose any Paragraph for reading. Each participant will get 5 minutes for reading. All students should compulsorily participate .. Students can choose any Paragraph for reading. Each participant will get 5 minutes for reading. All students should compulsorily participate

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.05 Date:-12th April 2021

Dear Students/ Parents

Dear students kindly note that, tomorrow there will be holiday on 13-04-2021 and 14-04-2021,   on account of Gudi Padwa and Birth Anniversary of  Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.06 Date:-15th April 2021

Dear Students,

This is to inform you that  school is going to celebrate  Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar jayanti on 14th April . Abhilasha Mam will deliver speech on the occasion of birth Anniversary of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar jayanti.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.07 Date:-17th April 2021

Dear Students kindly note that,

There are be ‘ MASK MAKING ‘ Activity on 25/9/21 of std 4th to 6th

1) Given below is the list of required material which students have to keep with them on the activity day.

2) Cloth,needel, thread, elastic, scissor.

3) Timing – 9:20 to 10:00This is to inform you that tomorrow there will be a chocolate making activity. Those students who do not have material can also attend the lecture and observe the activity, whereas those who are having the material can make the chocolate during the activity.

Note:- Students are requested to read above Circular.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Date:-20th April 2021

Circular no.08


This is to inform you that 21st April 2021 (Wednesday) will be holiday on the occasion of Ram Navami.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Date:-26th April 2021

Circular no.09

Dear Students,

This is to inform you that tomorrow there will be a chocolate making activity. Those students who do not have material can also attend the lecture and observe the activity, whereas those who are having the material can make the chocolate during the activity.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Date:-27th April 2021

Circular no.10

Dear Students of std 9th kindly note that,

Given below are the dates of all exams of academic year 2021-2022.

P. A-1 – 21/06/2021

S. A-1 – 01/09/2021

P. A- 2 – 15/11/2021

S. A-2 – 14/02/2022

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Date:-29th April 2021

Circular no.11


Dear parents of std 9th kindly note that,Online sessions of Academic Year 2021-22 will be continue till 03-05-2021 on regular basis.

Summer Vacation will be starts from 04-05-2021.

Summer Vacation will be from 14-05-2021 to 31-05-2021. Online school will reopen from 01-06-2021.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Date:-29th April 2021

Circular no.12


Dear parents of std 2nd- 8th kindly note that,

Online sessions of Academic Year 2021-22 will be continue till 03-05-2021 on regular basis.

Summer Vacation will be starts from 04-05-2021.

Summer Vacation will be from 03-05-2021 to 05- 06-2021. Online school will reopen from 07-06-2021.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

30th April 2021

Circular no.13

Dear students of STD 4-9 kindly note that,

Given below is the registration link online training session of Volleyball sport. In this session, you will know more about the game, it’s rules &regulations. All students have to register themselves in this link.


You have to register yourself till tomorrow.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wad

Circular no.14 Date:-30th April 2021

Circular no.14


Dear parents kindly note that,

Tomorrow, 01-05-2021 there is a holiday on account of Maharashtra Day & Labour Day.

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no. 15 Date:-3rd  May 2021


Dear Parents/students,

This is inform you that The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and National e-Governance Division (NeGD) has developed a Unified Mobile Application for New-age

Governance (UMANG) to drive Mobile Governance in India.

During the pandemic, the app helped the school students with reference digital resources (books/audio/video) and many relevant Government services with just few clicks on mobile app.  A special video

  presentation has been created for school students which explains details of various

services on UMANG App.

And is available at the link

The app is aimed at all citizens of India and offers hundreds of services including payment, registration, information search and application forms, government scheme, scholarship etc.

Parents please make sure that your child downloads Umang app through play store. If your child find any difficulty kindly help them.

The link for app in Google play store

Note: – Students are requested to read above Circular.

      Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no. 16                                                                    Date:-5th May 2021


Dear Students/ Parents,

This is inform you that Maharashtra government  have launched a habit-building campaign in Collaboration with Trailing. Students will be required to participate in activities from 3rd to 9th May. Students will be getting certificate. All students must compulsorily participate in healthy habits campaign. Today is last day for registration. Link for registration – All the Students must submit screenshot by today in group with their name.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no. 17                                                        Date:-7th May 2021


Dear parents of std 2nd- 8th kindly note that,

Online sessions of Academic Year 2021-22 will be continue till 07-05-2021 on regular basis. Summer Vacation will be starts from 08-05-2021. Summer Vacation will be from 08-05-2021 to 05-06-2021. Online school will reopen from 07-06-2021.

Note:- school Timing will be from 9:00am-3:00 pm.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-30th May 2021


Dear parents kindly note that,

This is to inform you that, remaining books of acadamic year 2021-22 are available at school. so, all parents are requested to collect these pending books of their ward as earlier as possible.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-5th June 2021


Dear parents kindly note that,

Annual Result of Academic Year 2020-21 will be on Monday ,07-06-2021 .Parents are requested to come in given time to collect Report Card of their ward.


Timing :- 10:00am-2:30pm

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-7th June 2021


Dear students,

This is inform you that School is going to celebrate World Environment Day on 10/06/2021. The theme for the Word Environment Day 2021 is ‘Ecosystem Restoration’ with the slogan of ‘Reimagine, Recreate, Restore.

All students should Compulsory participate in the competitions as given below:

Class – 1st to 3rd = Drawing. (Timing 6:00 pm to 7:00pm) The students of class- 1st to 3rd kindly note that you have to share photos of drawing in the group only.

Class – 4th to 6th = Essay.(In the first lecture)

Class – 7th to 8th = Debate.(In the first lecture)

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-8th June 2021


Dear parents kindly note that,

Book set distribution of Academic Year 2021-22 will be till 20-06-2021. parents are requested to take books within given time period.


  1. After given date all books are going to be return to the vendor because next year syllabus might be changed.
  2. timing for the same:- 10:00am – 2:30pm

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-15th June 2021

Timetable of P.A 1

std – 9th

Day Date Time Subject

Thurs 24/06/2021 8:30 to 10am S.S

Fri 25/06/2021 8:30 to 10am Marathi

Sat 26/06/2021 8:30 to 10am Science

Mon 28/06/2021 8:30 to 10am Math

Tues 29/06/2021 8:30 to 10am English

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-16th June 2021

Dear Students ,(std – 9th)

Worksheets are to be submitted as per dates below.

17/06/2021 Marathi

18/06/2021 Science

19/06/2021 Math

20/06/2021 S.S

21/06/2021 English

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-16th June 2021


Dear Students ,

This is inform you that school is going to celebrate Yoga Day on 21/06/2021. Vinod Likda Sir(P.T) will deliver importance of the day. sir will take physical activities . All Students should Compulsorily participate in the physical activities as given below:

Class – 1st to 5th – Timing 8:30am to 10:00am.

Class – 6st to 9th – Timing 10:00am to 11:00am.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-22th June 2021


Dear Parents/Students,

This is inform you that school is going to register all students of standard 6th for Green Army. It is compulsory to register all children of class 6th. parents are requested to send the following information.

Name of Student(Full) –

Parent’s email id –

Parent’s contact no.

Aadhar card no.(Student’s)

note- Dhanashree mam will fill all details in the form after submission of form parents will receive OTP then Dhanashree Mam will call you for OTP number. parents kindly receive phone call and give the O.T.P.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-22th June 2021


Dear Parents of std 9th kindly note that,

today 23-06-2021, there will be PARENTS MEETING at 9:00 am on zoom App. Note:- Attendance of all parents is must.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-26th June 2021


Dear students,

This is inform you that School is going to conduct creative writing competition on “the Birth Anniversary of Guru TeghBahadurji for the students from Standard VI-IX.

Category-For Students of Classes VI-VIII

1.Paragraph (100-150 words)

2.Essay (400-500 words)



a. Childhood of Guru TeghBahadurji

b. Transformation of Tyag Mal to Tegh Bahadur.

Category-For Students of Classes IX

a. Life of Guru Tegh Bahadurji

b. Establishment of Anandpur Sahib.

Creative Writing Form-

1.Paragraph (150-200 words)

2.Essay (500-700 words)


All Students should Compulsorily participate and fast date of submission on 01/07/2021 Group will be open *6:00pm to 7:00pm*

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-26th June 2021


This is inform you that CIET-NCERT in collaboration with Cyber Peace Foundation has been spreading awareness amongst children and young adults on the need to be safe, smart and resilient in the cyber space through the ‘e-Raksha Competition’. Thee-Raksha Competition 2021has been launched and the theme of the competition is:

Objectives of the competition:

  1. To provide a creative and important outlet to children and young people who are currently confined at home due to Covid-19 pandemic, to reflect and share about being safe and responsible on the Internet.

2. To inculcate Digital Citizenship and Online Safety Skills especially when students are spending much of their time in the digital Space for learning and social activities.

3. To involve the young minds and give them platform to voice their ideas and suggestions. The participants have to share their original ideas, suggestions and safety precautions in the form of poster, painting, video, essay, blog or any prototype of software

application, aligning with the theme of the competition.

Link for registration :

Today is the last day for registration. All Students must submit screenshot.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-29th June 2021


Dear parents kindly note that, Worksheets set of PA-1 EXAM is ready at school. Parents have to collect these worksheets from the school.


1) Worksheet distribution starts from tomorrow, 30-06-2021 onwards. 2)Timing:- 10:00am-2:00pm

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-03th July 2021


Dear Students,

This is inform you that on *Monday* , 05-07-2021 there will be *parents meeting of class 6th at 9.00 am.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-06th July 2021


Dear Parents kindly note that,

PA-1 EXAM is going to be starts in the month of July. This exam will be in the written format. Parents have to collect Answer sheets of the exam from the school.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-07th July 2021


Dear parents,

kindly note that tomorrow there will be “Parents Meeting ” of Std 5, 7 & 8 at 10:30am after class test of respective classes.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-9th July 2021

Dear Parents kindly note that,

PA-1 EXAM is going to be starts from Monday, 26-07-2021. This exam will be in the written format. Parents have to collect Answer sheets of the exam from the school.


1)Parents have to clear 1st instalment of fees of their ward before the exam. 2)Parents have to do online payment of the fees. 3) Timing for collection of answer sheet*:-10:00am-2:00pm 4)Parents should submit Answer sheets on the last day of the exam in the school.

                    Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.                                                        Date:-1st April 2022

Notice:- Given below is the area wise list of school bus, with allotted time,

Bus no-3802 Driver name-Mokim Driver contact no-9226177868

1st trip Vivek nagar-7:15 Mangal park-7:20 Suyog nagar-7:25

Bus no-1118 Driver name – Imran Driver contact no- 93563 82130

1st trip

Nehroli 7:15 am Shirish pada 7:20am Dupare pada – 7:20am Kone-7:20 am Shastri nagar- 7:30

2nd trip Ashokwan-7:40 am Sharad nagar-7:50 am Thakre Hospital – 7:55 am Good luck 8:00 am

Bus no-8808 Driver name – Faiz Driver contact no-91124281211

1st trip Shivaji Nagar-7:15 am

2nd trip Gandhre, Main Road-7:45

Bus no- -4169 Driver name-Sanjay Sambare Driver contact no-7057688915
1st trip
Kalamkhand-7:05 am Pali-7:10am Sapne-7:15 am Kirvali-7:25am Goan devi 7:55am Alman phata: 7:20 am Patil Ali-7:30

2 nd trip Ram mandir 8:00am
*Note for students who are staying at Ashokvan, Sharadnagar & Shivajinagar :- Due to the road maintenance going in some places of Wada, we are enable to go in Ashokvan, Sharadnagar & Shivajinagar. School has selected the nearest place from the given place Parents are requested to pick up & drop their ward on the given place.

Note:- *Student should reach the bus pickup point atleast 2-3 minutes of the given time. *School bus will not be waiting for any students. *Ashokvan, Sharadnagar:-

Morning-7:50am Afternoon:-3:30pm Bus stop Gudluck ground.

*Shivajinagar: Morning:-7:15am Afternoon: 2:50pm Bus stop =Near Mangalraj Jewellers

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.02 Date:-2nd April, 2022

Notice Dear Students, Dear parents kindly note that, There are some changes in school bus timing of Mini bus. Driver: Mokim bus no. 3802. Changes are as follows: Suyog Nagar- 7:15am Mangal Park:- 7:20am Samarth Nagar:- 7:25am Vivek Nagar: 7:35am.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no . 03 Date:-8th April, 2022 Notice – This is to inform you that, CBSE has been organised National Mission for Clean Ganga, Ministry of Jal Shakti in association with Tree Craze Foundation has been annually organizing the Ganga Quest – an online national quiz on rejuvenation of Ganga and its tributaries, water conservation, ecological sustainability and other related subjects for engaging youth and school children aimed to build public awareness and ensure people’s involvement in the ‘Namami Gange Mission’. Students are requested to register for the Ganga Quest . *Link for registration*

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.04 Date:-10th April, 2022

*Palghar District Jump Rope Association* has arranged 4 days jump rope camp. Date:-14,15,16,17 April 2022* All Jumpers should carry following things:-

  1. Rope
  2. Tiffin/Snacks
  3. Two water bottles
  4. Jump Rope Dress etc. *Timing:- 9:00am-12:00pm Venue:- Gurukul Global School Wada New participants are welcomed.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.05 Date:-11th April, 2022 Notice Dear parents kindly note that, Government of India has already started the vaccination of children from the age 12-14. Government has made the vaccination compulsory for all the children. Our school has organized a vaccination at school on Wednesday, 13-04-2022. All students have to be present on this day in the school with their *Aadhar number & Parent’s contact number*. Note:-Parents have to fill the vaccination permission form of their ward before the vaccination.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.06 Date:-12 April, 2022

Dear Students /Parents, Our school has organized the Covid-19 vaccination in the school. Those who have not taken Covid-19 vaccine, have to take it tomorrow in the school. And those 2nd vaccine of “Cavaxin” is pending, they will also get their vaccine tomorrow. Note:- All students have to bring their Aadhar card number & parent’s contact number for the vaccination.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.07 Date: 13th April, 2022

Dear Parents,

Kindly note that tomorrow 14/4/2022 and 15/4/2022 there will be holiday on account of Dr. B. Ambedkar birth anniversary and Good Friday respectively.

Note:- Students are requested to read above Circular no. .44

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.08 Date: 13th April, 2022

Dear Students,

This is to inform that for celebrating the Birth Anniversary of Dr. BR Ambedkar school has arranged the following competition for class 1st to 10th They are as below: Std 1 to 5th SPEECH COMPETITION on behalf of Birth Anniversary of Dr. BABASAHEB Topics for speech competitions are as follows: 1) I AM Dr BABASAH3B AMBEDKAR SPEAKING 2) CHILDHOOD OF Dr. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR

Std 9th & 10th there will be videography,monoact, collection of rare photographs of B.R.

Std 6th to 8th there will be Essay competition, Poster making and Rangoli making. Topic- 1) Founder of Indian Constitution BR Ambedkar 2) Important events on the life of B. R Ambedkar

*Note* 1) Photo of essay, poster making and Rangoli making have to send on the group on 14/4/2022 at 6:00 pm 2) Essay and poster making should be done on A4 size paper. 3) Students have to make 3 minutes video and send before 6:00pm. 4) 3 idols of B.R. Ambedkar, Gautam Buddha, Mahatma Kabir& Mahatma Phule 5) National emblems of India & Ashoka the Great 6) My school,my library. 7) For rare photographs students have to make collage. 8) For video making students have to make video clip for 3 mint students can use internet photos.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.09 Date:-16th April 2022

Dear Students/Parents,

This is to inform you that, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has been celebrating “Pariksha Parv” since 2019, with an aim to change the outlook/ perspective of children towards exams stress and overcome their anxiety before exam result at a platform This year the “Pariksha Parv is being conducted till 31.05.2022

Students have to join live streaming sessions can be watched on NCPCR social media accounts *Facebook on *, “Twitter on and on Youtube/channel/NCPCR or on Youtube/Doordarshan national till 31.05.2022 (three days in a week-“Monday”. “Wednesday and Friday from 3.00-4:00 pm) to enable students to interact with experts to reduce their exam and result related stress and anxiety .

Note:-Students are requested to read above Circular no. 47

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.09 Date:-16th April 2022 Dear Students/Parents, This is to inform you that, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has been celebrating “Pariksha Parv” since 2019, with an aim to change the outlook/ perspective of children towards exams stress and overcome their anxiety before exam result at a platform.

This year the ‘Pariksha Parv’ is being conducted till 31.05.2022 Students have to join live streaming sessions can be watched on NCPCR social media accounts

*Facebook on*,*Twitter on*

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.10 Date:- 16th April 2022 Notice Dear Students of std 10th kindly note that, Unit Test-1 Exam Timetable (2022-2023) Std-X

Unit Test-1.
STD: X Date Day Time subject 1 25-04-2022 Monday 8:30 am-10:00 am English 1 11:00 am-12:30 pm SS 2 26-04-2022 Tuesday 8:30 am-10:00 am Maths 2 11:00 am-12:30 pm Computer 3 27-04-2022 Wednesday 8:30 am-10:00 am Science 3 11:00 am-12:30 pm Marathi

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.11 Date:- 22 April, 2022 Notice Dear parents, Tomorrow on Saturday, 23-04-2022, we are having “1st Parents Meeting of the Academic year 2022-23 of Primary Section(1st-3rd std)

Venue Gurukul Global School campus Timing 12:00pm-1:00pm. Note:- Attendance of all parents is must

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.12 Date:- 23rd April, 2022

Notice CBSE has been organizing Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Programme. Bhasha Sangam for promoting and learning of Indian languages is under implementation across the country as a part of Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat Programme. Students have to select any one official language and represent of that particular state also. Students have to speak beauty of that language and wear attire. Note: Students are requested to read above Circular no. 46.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.13 Date: 23rd April, 2022 Notice As the heat rises now a days, school management has decide to change the school timing from 8:15am-1:25pm. School leave time will be 1:25 for the next week.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada. Circular no.14 Date: 25 April, 2022 Notice:

On 30/04/2022, Saturday, there will be essay speech competition for std 1″ to 10″ Students Topic “If I were the Prime Minister of India”

1) Participate students have to show the written content of the speech to their respective class teacher till 29/04/2022 2) Students can give speech in English, Hindi or Marathi 3) Maximum Speech limit is 3 minutes 4) Participants deliver their speech in the Assembly hall on 30/04/2022 in the 1″ lecture.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.15 Date:-28th April, 2022

Government Hospital wada has organised Health camp in school. In camp, Students will get tablet ‘Stomach Worm’. Tablet name Albendazole. If students allergy regarding it, already has taken the dose of tablet, their parents have inform on school WhatsApp group. Group will open for all parents from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 today. Parents are ready or not ready for it they have to send message on the group.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.16 Date:-28th April, 2022 Notice Dear students summer vacations will start from 2/05/22 to 4/06/22. School will reopen on Monday 06/06/22 onwards regularly.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada. Circular no.17 Date:-28th April, 2022

Notice Those students of 10 std got marks less than 20 that is less than 50% they will again write paper at home and bring on the day of open house that is on 1st May, 2022.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no. 18 Date:-28th April, 2022 NOTICE On Sunday 01/05/22 there will be open day. Timing 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. for class x and parents meeting timing 10:00am to 11:00 am about academic curriculum and planning in the school premises

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no. 19 Date: 29th April, 2022 Notice

This is to inform you that, CBSE is organizing The curriculum for all the Skill subjects being offered by CBSE from classes IX to X for the academic session 2022-2023 is available on the CBSE Academic website (under Skill Education). The curriculum can also be accer ad directly using following link: Students have to visit on site and read about it.

Note: Students are requested to read above Circular no. 50

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no. 20 Date:- 29th April, 2022

This is to inform you that, CBSE annually provides curriculum for classes IX to X containing academic content, syllabus for examinations with learning outcomes, pedagogical practices and assessment guidelines. The Board will conduct the annual scheme of assessment at the end of the Academic Session 2022-23

The curriculum available on Students are requested to visit on link and read the curriculum. Students are requested to read the above Circular No. 48. Note: Students are requested to read above Circular no. 48

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no. 21 Date:-29th April, 2022 Notice:

On Saturday, 29/04/2022 there will be Parents meeting for std 7th and 8th at 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.22 Date:-05th May, 2022 Notice On 11-05-2022,all students have to come to school in regular school timing for “Swachta Vidyalaya Purskar” inspected by Education Department of Zilla Parishad. (All students attendance is compulsory)

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.22 Date:-14tMay, 2022 It is informed you that Extra class will be conducted from 25/5/2022 onword Time table is shared with you. Bring study materials according to the time table. Those students who scored less than 50% marks in UT-1 exam. They have to write same paper twice and submit on 25/05/2022, Without fail.

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.26 Date: 16 May, 2022 Notice

Gurukul Global School is organizing series of lectures for Foundation IT/JEE and NEET in the larger interest of educational development of wada taluka our school is starting a series of lectures for FOUNDATION HT/JEE AND NEET. The term “IIT” stands for the Indian Institute Of Technology. This is said to be the most reputed educational entity that offers higher education in different disciplines of engineering. There are sixteen IITs across India The term “JEE” stands for The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is an engineering entrance assessment conducted for admission to various engineering colleges in India. It is constituted by two different examinations the JEE Main and the JEE-Advanced . The term “NEET” stands for The National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Undergraduate) or NEET, formerly the All India Pre-Medical Test, is an all India pre-medical entrance test for students.

Important note and guidelines for application

1) There is “NO FEES for it it is open for all students who reside in wada Taluka. 2) Students should be highly motivated towards Math and Physics. 3) Number of seats 40 (First come First serve Basis) 4) FOUNDATION IIT/JEE FOR 7/8 TO 10 STD MATHEMATICS. 5) FOUNDATION NEET FOR 7/8 TO 10 STD PHYSICS .

Following is the schedule of classes : From 11th June, 2022 Onwards 1) Total lectures: 80 Hrs (40 Hrs. Maths and 40 Hrs Physics) 2)Every Saturday 12:30 PM to 2 30 PM( 2 Hrs) (1 hr Physics and 1 hr Maths) *Venue*:- Gurukul Global School, At Harosale, wada. *Contact Person* 1 Ritesh Yadav, Phone 909 686 7001 *Registration can be done on phone also.* Send details through “WhatsApp number 909 6867001 (Students need to send the following details i. e. Name, School name, Class and address)

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.28 Date: 17 May,2022 Notice

Gurukul Global School Wada has started a mobile library to inculcate a love of reading in the students of the city in order to increase the vocabulary through the library, to create more interest in the study, this initiative has been started in Wada city. This initiative will be implemented in different parts of Wada city on 18th May, 19th May and 20th May 2022 . Extra reading is essential for the holistic development of students For this, the institute has made available Marathi, English books including stories, comics in the mobile library

Date 18 May, 2022 10 to 11 in the morning-Shivaji Nagar 11 am to 12 noon Shivaji Nagar 04 to 05 pm-Shastri Nagar 5 to 6 in the evening-Ashok Van

Date 19 May, 2022 10 to 11 in the morning Vivek Nagar 11 am to 12 noon-Khandeshwari Naka 04 to 05 pm-ST Bus Depot 5 to 6 pm Ainshet Road/Sharad Nagar

Date 20 May 2022 10 am to 11 am Ram Temple 11 am to 12 noon Patil Ali 04 to 05 pm Panchayat Samiti 05 to 06 in the evening-Parli Naka

Note:- After reading the books taken by the students, they should be deposited at Gandhi Library ST Stand on 23rd May and 24th May 2022.

Time :- 9am to 11am 5pm to 7pm

Gurukul Global School. Harosale,wada.

Circular no.29 Date:-26 May,2022 Notice :- Dear Students , This is to inform you that, CBSE has been celebrating the rich cultural heritage and a mosaic of achievements of the world’s oldest civilization. Students have to register in* The Heritage Quiz* for the age group of 13 to 18 years of age . “Link for registration” Note – For those in the age group of 13 to 18 years, it offers them the opportunity to qualify as District Winners who subsequently go on to the State Regional and National levels Winning team members are eligible for a scholarship of Rs 10 lakh each total scholarships to be won are Rs.55 lakh. Jigyasa Quiz will be available in 17 languages. Note 2-Students are requested to read above Circular no. 58

Gurukul Global School.Harosale,wada.

Circular no.30 Date: 26 May, 2022

NOTICE 28/05/2022 tomorrow extra class will be conducted at same time Lecture 1.Social science 8.30 to 9.30 2.Maths 9.45 to 10.45 3. science 10.45 to 11.45 Please bring study material according time table


              Circular No.105                                  Date: 4thOct 22

For Std Nursery to 10th students,

                        Tomorrow on 05/10/22 Tuesday, there will be holiday on account of DUSSEHRA .


              Circular No.106                                Date: 4thOct 22

For Std 7th to 10th Std students,

 Tomorrow on 05/10/22 there will be sports practice taken by Pargaokar sir & Vinod sir. Timing will be 8:00 am to 11:00 am. All students have to come in proper sports attire tomorrow.

Also there will be extra practice lecture for CHESS & CARROM in school. All girls can come for practice tomorrow.

For all students of 1st to 10th Std :

On 12th November 2022 there will be Taluka level CHESS & CARROM tournament in our school. All students have to practice of these games in their P.T. lectures.

For students of 7th & 10th std,

Those students who have participated in above sports, have to come on every Sunday in school for practice from 01/10/22 at 8:00 am to 111:00 am. Selected students have to come on every Sunday in school for practice.   

For Std Nursery to 10th Std;

 All students have to wear BLACK SHOES & WHITE SOCKS with school uniform & WHITE CANVAS SHOES & WHITE SOCKS with P.T. uniform from Monday 10/10/22 on regular basis.

For Girls from Nursery to 10th:

From Monday 10/10/22 all girls have to tie two ponytails with BLACK RIBBON compulsorily.


              Circular No.107                             Date: 6thOct 22

Dear students,

Given below is the timetable for Saturday, according to which students have to bring books.

8:30 to 9:15MathsMarathiEnglish S.SHindi
9:15 to 9:50MathsMarathiEnglishS.SHindi
10:10 to 10:45EVSMathsHindiEnglishScience
10:45 to 11:20MarathiMathsHindiEnglishScience
11:20 to 11:55HindiComputerEnglishScienceMarathi
11:55 to 12:30HindiEnglishComputerScienceMarathi
12:50 to 1:25DrawingEnglishMarathiHindiS.S
1:25 to 2:00EnglishHindiEVSMarathiS.S
2:00 to 2:30ComputerHindiEVSS.SEnglish
8:30 to 9:15MarathiScienceS.SEnglish
9:15 to 9:50MarathiScienceS.SEnglish
10:10 to 10:45ScienceEnglishHindiMaths
10:45 to 11:20ScienceEnglishHindiMaths
11:20 to 11:55S.SMathsEnglishS.S
11:55 to 12:30S.SMathsEnglishS.S
12:50 to 1:25MathsComputerScienceMarathi
1:25 to 2:00EnglishComputerMathsScience
2:00 to 2:30EnglishS.SMathsScience

For Std 9th to 10th students:

  On Wednesday , 12/10/22 there will be Computer Practical exam in school hours.


              Circular No. 108                                Date: 12thOct 22

Given below is the timetable of Std 10th from 14/10/22 to 21/10/22. During exam period of 1st to 9th students have to bring books according to the given timetable. After Diwali vacation students have to follow the regular timetable of school.

8:30 to 9:15EnglishS.SScienceMarathiScienceMarathi
9:15 to 9:50EnglishS.SScienceMarathiScience Marathi
10:10 to 10:45MathsScienceMarathiMathsMarathiMaths
10:45 to 11:20MathsScienceMarathiMathsMarathiMaths
11:20 to 11:55P.T.MathsEnglishP.T.MathsS.S.
11:55 to 12:30ScienceMathsEnglishS.SMathsS.S
12:50 to 1:25ScienceMarathiMathsS.SEnglishEnglish
1:25 to 2:00ComputerMarathiComputerEnglishS.SEnglish
2:00 to 2:30ComputerEnglishComputerEnglishS.SScience

Note: On P.T. lectures day students have to bring P.T. journals for completion. And for exam duration bus facility will be given till bus stand.  


    Circular No.  109                                    Date: 17thOct 22

     For students of 4th Std,

                    After Diwali vacation students have to use pen for writing work.

   For all students who have participated in SPORTS COMPETITION:

                   Students have inform that, you have to fill the concern form for the ‘Sport Competition’ & submit it tomorrow to Vinod sir. Parents have to sign the permission letter. Students have to take forms from Dhanashri mam.        


     Circular No.110                                      Date: 18thOct 22

For Olympiad Students ,

IEO exam will be on 20/10/22 after SAI exams in school. Participated students will be dropped at Wada bus stop after exam. Parents have to wait at bus stop to receive their wards. Exam time will be from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Participated students have to bring extra tiffins on this day.

For 10th std students :

        On Tuesday , 01/11/22 there will be P.T.I HPE exam. This exam will be conducted in the regular school hours.

For 9th std students :

       On Wednesday , 02/11/22 Computer practical exam will be there. Students have to bring all material which is required for exam on respective days.

For 1st to 8yh std students :

   Given below is the schedule for Computer Practical exam. This exam will be taken in school hours only.

Day DateStd
Friday 04/10/22VIII


   Circular No. 111                                  Date: 20thOct 22

For 1st to 4th std :

Tomorrow on 21/10/22, there will be Diwali celebration in the school after exam. Given below the names of completions. Students have to bring required material from home.

STD 1ST & 2nd : Diya making & decoration .( students have to Diya from CLAY )

STD 3rd & 4th : Lantern making competition. (Theme – BEST OUT OF WASTE ).


      Circular No.  112                                    Date: 07thNov 22

 Dear students,

All the students are hereby informed that, there is a DANCE COMPETITION organized by ST.JOHN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL. Interested students have to pay 250 RS as entry fees and other travelling charges will be informed later.

Category 1: STD 5th to 8th 

Interested students can give their names to class teacher. Date of competition is 21st November 2022. 7th November 2022 is the last day of registration.


  Circular No.  113                                    Date: 11th Nov 22

For Std 10th students:

  Std 10th students does not have movie activity. So those who have paid fees for movie , they will get it back from Naziya mam.  


   Circular No. 114                                  Date: 12th Nov 22

Dear students ,

Kindly note that there will be CBSE Reading Challenge in which 6th to 10th std students have to participate.

Note: Reading language will be Hindi or English. Interested students can give their names to class teacher. Final reading will be taken on Friday 18/11/22.


              Circular No.115                             Date: 18thNov 22

Dear students,

  For 4th and 5th std students:-

 Skipping practice lectures are going to start in Gurukul Global School campus. So, interested students can give their names to Vinod sir. We will give proper schedule to students in prior. Sub Junior Jump Rope competition is in January month. Interested students can give their names till Saturday 26/122.

For std 1st to 10th students:-

      If any student is having correction in their ID cards, they have to give their names to Dhanashree mam today only. Also students are not allowed to play in lawn area. Students can play games in playground.


              Circular No.116                            Date: 23rd Nov 22

For 10th std students:-

      On Monday, 28/11/22  all students have to come in proper school uniform (No PT uniform). For class group photo session.

For 9th and 10th std students:-

    In the last lecture (9th) all students have to gather in Sr. Kg classroom.

For 8th to 10th students:-

    Today there is COVID VACCINATION in school after 1st recess. So, students have to take heavy breakfast in the recess.

For 10th std:-

U.T:3 of std 10th will start from 05/12/22 onwards. Timetable will be given later.


              Circular No.117                             Date: 02 Dec 22

For std 3 to 9 :-

 Tomorrow there will be Jump Rope practice in school at 4:00pm. Interested students can give their names to Vinod sir and can come tomorrow for practice.

For 1st to 10th students:-

        There will be no holidays for CHRISTMAS. There will be ‘ANNUAL SPORTS DAY’ of 1st to 9th standard students after Christmas. There will be extra lectures for 10th std after Christmas.


              Circular No.118                             Date: 5th Dec 22

 For all the students,

     No one student will go in assembly hall for any reason.


              Circular No.119                           Date: 9th Dec 2

For Nursery to students,

       There will be ANNUAL PICNIC in last week of December or in the 1st week of January. Exact place and date of picnic will be given within few days.


              Circular No.120                          Date: 10th Dec 22

  For std 1st to 10th students,

     Given below is the list of ‘ Annual Sports ‘ categories. Interested students can give their names to class teacher till Monday, 12/12/22.

Std 1 to 5th 

Running (50m &100 m )

Tyre race

Potato race

Three leg race

Badminton (4th &5th )

Cycle race ( 1st & 3rd )

Std 6th & 10th 

Long jump


Short put

Discuss Throw




              Circular No. 121                              Date: 12th Dec 22

For std Nursery to 7th ,

  On 06/01/2023 & 07/01/2023 annual picnic of school has been planned at YASHASHREE RESORT . Given below are the dates & fees of the picnic.

Std Nursery – Sr. KG. :- 06/01/23 :- 575rs.

Std 1st to 2nd :- 06/01/2023 :- 650 rs.

Std 3rd to 7th :- 07/01/2023 :- 690 rs.

Note :- 1) Students have to pay the fee to Dhanashree mam

             2) Breakfast, lunch, evening snacks & travelling is included in the fee.

             3) Those students who are not going for picnic, they will have holiday on both the days.


              Circular No.122                            Date: 13th Dec 22

  For std Nursery , 5th & 9th ,

  PA II & UT 3 EXAM of mentioned classes are going to start from Monday, 19/12/2022 onwards. Given below is the timetable of the exam.

                                     PA II EXAM

Std Sub DateTime 1st to 4th / 5th
I-VEnglish 19/12/228:45-9:45/ 10:15
I-VHindi 20/12/228:45-9:45/ 10:45
I-VMarathi 21/12/228:45-9:45/ 10:45
I-VMaths 22/12/228:45-9:45/ 10:45
I-VEVS/SCI23/12/228:45-9:45/ 10:45
VS.S 24/12/228:45-9:45/ 10:45

                          UT-3 , IX STD

SubDate Time
English 19/12/228:45- 10:45
Marathi 20/12/228:45- 10:45
Maths 21/12/228:45- 10:45
Science 22/12/228:45- 10:45
S.s 23/12/228:45- 10:45

Note : On 24/12/22 there will be Christmas celebration after exam.

For std 6th 8th students,

PA II exam of mentioned classes will starts from Wednesday, 11/01/2023 onwards. Exam timetable will be given later.


              Circular No.123                           Date: 17th Dec 22

 For std Nursery -10th :-

       Annual Sports Day has been organised on 28/12/2022 & 29/12/2022in school. On 26/12/22 & 27/12/22 there will be Sports practice in school. Attendance of all students are compulsory. On 30/12/22 & 31/12/22 there will be Holiday for all.


   Circular No.124                           Date: 19th Dec 22

For std 5-10 students

          Tomorrow there will be online parents meeting for Basketball Students on Zoom app. interested students’ parents can attend this meeting.

Timing: 2:00pm – 2:40pm.

Parents can get the Zoom link tomorrow on the ERP.



Circular No.125                           Date: 22nd Dec 22

For std 3- 10 students,

             There will be online ‘History study class’ for the children in the age group of 8 to 15 years organised by “School of Indian History Institute”.


  1. Apart from the school history, India will have a proud history.
  2.  An in-depth yet simple to understand account of Hindu dynasties and the ancient historical culture of India.


  1. There will be one class per week.
  2.  Initially there will be a match of 100 children.
  3.  Interested student or parent can contact on 702040 2446 for enrollment.
  4.  New batch will starts from 4th January 2023.



Circular No.126                             Date: 23rd Dec 22

For std 8-10 students,

              Annual school picnic has been plan on 6 January 2023 and 7 January 2023 at Raigadh Fort.

 Places visited during picnic are –

  1. Mahad and Pali Ganpati Darshan.
  2.  Jijau cha Wada.
  3.  Jijau ji Samadhi.
  4.  Raigad Fort.

 Fee of this picnic is Rs 2500.

 Students have to pay the fee till 28 December 22 to Dhanashree maam.

For std 10th students & Teachers,

On Monday 26 December 2022 there will be ‘English Guest lecture’ by and Guest lecturer.


For students – 10:00am – 12:00pm.

For Teachers- 12:30pm – 2:30pm.

For students of std 1-10,

From 26-12-2022 to 29-12-2022 school leaving timing will be 12 p.m. Students have to bring Glucon-D, Juice or ORS in these days for Sports Practice.

For std 9 & 10 students,

During 26-12-2022 to 29-12-2022 there will be regular school leaving timing for std 9 & 10 students. New timetable of these days will be given in prior.

For std 1-10 students,

Tomorrow on 24-12-2022, there will be Christmas Celebration in school. Students can come in ‘Red or Black Colour attire’. No need to buy new dress if someone doesn’t have it.

Given below is the list of Competition:-

Std 1-3= Christmas Tree Making.

Std 4-5= Santa clause Making.

Std 6-10= Speech on Christmas Festival.

Students have to bring all required material for the competition by their own.

Speech Competition will be held in the Assembly Hall.


Circular No.127                           Date: 24 Dec 22

For Std 1 st  to 10 th  Students ,

              As there will be a Sports Practice on 26/12/2022 & 27/12/2022 Students can come is civil dress but during Sports Day P.T. Uniform is compulsory to all Students.

Note– Shorts pants are not allowed to wear students can wear track pants.


Circular No.128                           Date: 26 Dec 22

For Std 1 st to 9 th Subject Teachers,

                    You have to complete S.A –II Syllabus of your Subject till 10 th February 2023 without any excuse. After 10/02/2023 H.S.C. Board exam will be there so complete your syllabus as earlier as you can.

Teachers are requested to do not remain absent is school till month of February.


Circular No.129                          Date: 03 JAN 23

For Std I to V & IX th Students,(ERP)

                    On Saturday 14/01/2023 there will be P.A.-II Open Day of Std I  to V & U.T-III Open Day for Std IX  Timing  : 1.30 PM  to 2:00 PM.    


Circular No.130                          Date: 03 JAN 23

For Std III & VII Students & Parents (ERP)

                    On Wednesday 4/1/2023 there will be parents meeting regarding & school picnic is the school. Those students are going for school picnic, their parents should present in this meeting.

Timing – 8:30 AM  to 9.30 AM

Venue – Assembly hall of GGS


Circular No.131                          Date: 03 JAN 23

For Std  VIII  to X Students  (ERP)

                    On Thursday,05/01/2023 there will be Parents Meeting regarding school picnic.

Timing – 8:30 AM  to 9.30 AM

Venue – Assembly hall of GGS


Circular No.132                          Date: 11 JAN 23

For Std  IX Students,

      Given below is the time table from 12/01/2023 to 17/ 01/ 2023

Lectures 12/01/2023 13/01/2023 14/01/2023 16/01/2023 17/01/2023
1 Sci Marathi Eng Sci Marathi
2 Sci Eng Eng Sci Marathi
3 Maths Marathi Maths S.S Eng
4 S.S Maths Maths S.S Eng
5 Maths Maths Marathi Maths Maths
6 Eng Eng Marathi Maths Maths
7 Eng Eng S.S Maths Sci
8 Marathi S.S S.S Marathi Sci
9 Marathi S.S Sci Marathi S.S


Circular No.133                          Date: 11 JAN 23

For Std  VI  To VIII Students,

                        Given below is the time table after the exam.

12/1/2023 Maths Hindi Marathi
Sci Maths S.S
13/1/2023 Eng Hindi Maths
S.S Maths Eng
14/1/2023 Marathi Maths Sci
16/1/2023 Sci Maths Eng
Marathi Sci Maths


Circular No.134                          Date: 14 JAN 23

For Std  I  to VIII Students,

                On Monday there will be Online Parents Meeting regarding NEP Based New Computer coding & Robotics book. This meeting will be on Zoom App.

Timing–  Std I to V = 4: 00 PM to 4:40 PM

               Std VI to VIII = 5: 00 PM to 5:40 PM

Note–    1) Attendance of all parents is compulsory.

              2) Zoom link will be given later Through ERP.


Circular No.135                          Date: 18 JAN 23

For Std V  to VII Students,

             There will be Parents Meeting of Std V to VII Students on Zoom app.

Timing – 5:00 PM  to 5: 40 PM.

Attendance all Parents is must.


Circular No.136                          Date: 19 JAN 23

For Std I to IX Students,

         On Monday 23/01/2023 there will be song & Speech competition for the students.

Std- I to III= patriotic song competition (song limit will be 3 minutes)

Std-IV to IX= Speech competitive

Std – IV to VI = 1) Why is republic day celebrated.

                             2) Republic day & it’s celebrations.

Std – VII to IX= 1) Constitution & the Rights of Indian Citizens.

                            2) Importance of Constitution of India.

Time limit for speech will be 5 Minutes & will be is English only.


Circular No.137                          Date: 19 JAN 23

For Std I to X Students,

             On Thursday 26/01/2023 all Students have to come to school till 7: 00 AM for the celebration of Indian republic Day. Area wise bus schedule will be given later.

 Std VI to X students will go is the rally after the celebration in school.

Std I to V students will go their home after the celebration. Students will be dropped at PWD office Wada parents have to pick up their Wada from the PWD office at 8:30 am.

After rally Std VI to X students will be leaved from the Wada Tahsildar office ground .

Parents have to come to pick up their Wada.


Circular No.138                          Date: 21 JAN 23

For Std IX to X Students,

       On 01/02/2023, Wednesday there will be Fare well Function of Std X Students.

Timing- 11:00 onwards.


Circular No.139                        Date: 21 JAN 23

For Std I to VIII Students,

       On Wednesday 01/02/2023,  There will be HOLIDAY for Std I to VIII Students due to teacher training schedule.


Circular No.140                          Date: 21 JAN 23

For Std  X Students,

       On Monday 30/01/2023 there will be computer lecture/Practical after the exam. Students have to bring extra tiffin on this day.

     On Monday 23/01/2023 there will be Photosation of Std X Students All Students have to come in proper school uniform on this day.


Circular No.141                        Date: 24 JAN 23

For Std  IX Students,

              Tomorrow there will be Drawing Competition for Std IX Students held by the Government of India in the campaign of Pariksha Pe Charga this competition will be held at H.V. Vidyalaya Chinchghar Kudus.

Students have to being colours T.K Paper & all required materials for the drawing competitions.

Topic are as given below-

 १) जागतिक  विश्वगुरू  बनवण्याच्या  दृष्टीने  भारताची  वाटचाल

२) आझादी  का  अमृत  महोत्सव

३) सर्जिकल  स्टाईक

४) कोरोना  लसीकरांमध्ये  भारत  नंबर

५) पंतप्रधान जनसेवेच्या  विविध  योजना

६) स्वच्छ  भारत  अभियान

७) आत्मनिर्भर  भारत

८) आंतरराष्टीय  योगदिन  मोदीजींनी  वेधले  जगाचे  लक्ष  बेटी  बचाव  बेटी  पडाव

१०)चुलीतल्या  धुराच्या  त्रासातून  मुक्त  महिला  मोदींचा  सवेंदनशील निर्णय

Students have to come in proper school uniform is regular school timing.


Circular No.142                         Date: 25 JAN 23

For Std I to X Students,

   Given below is the school bus timing for the tomorrow’s Republic Day celebration.

Bus- 1118                                           Bus- 8808                                                  Bus- 3802

Driver           –     Imran                  Driver              –   Imran            Driver        –      Mokim

Nehroli         –          6:30 am                       Ashokvan         – 6:45 am              Muslim Ali          –  6:45 am

Pavanipada  –          6:35 am                     Shivajinagar      –  6:50 am            Kadiwali              –  6:50 am

Kone             –           6:40 am                    Sharad nagar     –   6:55 am           Mangal Park       –  6:55 am

Shirishpada –           6:40 am                    Main Road         –  6:55 am             Vivek Nagar        – 7:00 am

M.I.D.C       –             6:45 am

Gandhare   –             6:45 am

Vishnu nagar  –         6:50 am

Kailas Taukis  –         6:50 am

Shastri nagar  –        6:55 am

Students have to be present at their Place before the given time.


Circular No.143                        Date: 27 JAN 23

For Std I to IX Students,

          On 28/01/2023 all Students have to being Mat for the Suryanamaskar Activity .This activity should be done is the I ST  Lecture after the assembly.


Circular No.144                         Date: 27 JAN 23

For Std VI to IX Students,

          All Mentioned class students have to gather is Jr. KG class is the 4 th  Lecture for the Pariksha Pe Charcha Activity.


Circular No.145                       Date: 31 JAN 23

For Std I & IV & P.T Uniform (ERP)

                 School Uniforms of Mentioned classes are going to be change from next academic year 2023-24

       Students will get their uniform from school.


Circular No.146                        Date: 31 JAN 23

For Std I to III  &  V to X (ERP)

                        P.T. Uniform Of Mentioned classes are going to be change from next academic year 2023-24

Students will get their uniform from school.


Circular No.147                         Date: 31 JAN 23

For Std VI to VIII (ERP)

              On Saturday 04/02/2023 there will be P.A.-II exam open day in school.

Timing- 12: 30 pm to 1:30 pm

Attendance of all parents is Compulsory


Circular No.148                         Date: 4 Feb 23


Tomorrow school bus number 2 is going for “Passing work”. So all students staying at ‘Ashokvan & Shivaji Nagar’ have to come near Mangalraj Jweller’ shop. These students’ pick up & drop point for Monday will be Near Mangalraj Jweller.

Morning pick up timing is 8:20am.


कल स्कूल बस नंबर 2 “पासिंग वर्क” के लिए बाहर जा रही है। इसलिए ‘अशोकवन और शिवाजी नगर’ में रहने वाले सभी छात्रों को ‘मंगलराज ज्वेलर’ शॉप के पास आना होगा। सोमवार के लिए इन छात्रों का पिक अप एंड ड्रॉप प्वाइंट मंगलराज ज्वेलर के पास होगा।

सुबह छात्रौ कों लेने का समय 8:20 है।


Circular No.149                        Date: 6 Feb 23

CBSE in collaboration with Microsoft had conducted ‘CBSE National Coding Challenge 2022’ for students of

Classes VI – VIII providing them an opportunity to showcase their 21st century skills to solve some of the real-life issues with technology.

In CBSE National Coding Challenge 2023, the students of classes VI – VIII are invited to address any of the following themes to showcase their coding skills –

a. Earth- Protect Biodiversity and Natural Habitats

b. Cultural Heritage Preservation

c. Accessibility

d. Humanitarian action

e. Health

f. AI for Good

Please refer to Annexure II for details and schedule of the CBSE National Coding Challenge 2023.

The last date for registration to participate in this contest is March 10, 2023.

For any further queries, please contact


Circular No.150                        Date: 06 Feb 23

For Std I to IX  Students,

                         On Wednesday 08/02/2023 all Students have to come in Proper school uniform for Photo Session.


Circular No.151                        Date: 09 Feb 23

For Std  IX  Students,

               Distribution of Annual Exam hall Ticket is Started from 9/02/2023 . Students have to clear all Pending dues & collect their hall ticket from Dhanashree  Madam.


Circular No.152                       Date: 09 Feb 23

For Std  I to VIII Students,

                              S.A.-II exam of Std 1 to 8 Started from Friday, 10/03/2023. Parents have to clear all Pending dues of their wards till Saturday, 18/02/2023. Students have to take S.A.-II exam hall tickets from Dhanashree Madam Distribution of hall ticket will starts from Friday 10/02/2023 onwards.


Circular No.153                       Date: 11 Feb 23

For Std  Nursery to IX Students,

                            From 21/02/2023 H.S.C.Board exam is going to start is the school. Given below is the schedule of the exam.

1 21/02/2023 HOLIDAY
2 22/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM
3 23/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM
4 24/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM
5 25/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM
7 27/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM
8 28/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM
9 1/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM
10 2/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM
11 3/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM
12 4/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM
13 6/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM
14 7/3/2023 HOLIDAY
15 8/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 10:00 AM
16 9/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM
17 10/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11:45AM
18 11/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11:45AM
19 13/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11:45AM
20 14/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11:45AM
21 15/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11:45AM
22 16/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11:45AM
23 17/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11:45AM
24 18/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11:45AM

              SCHOOL EXAM STARTS

NOTE- 1) During HSC EXAM period lecture will starts from exact 8:00 am .

2) All Students have to come school till 7:40 am.

3) Given below is the school bus schedule during HSC exam period.

School Bus No-1 (3802 Driver- Mokim)            School Bus No- 2 (8808 Driver –Faiz)       

                Muslim Ali            – 6: 45 am           I st Trip                        Shivaji Nagar   –  6: 45 am         I st Trip 

  Kadiwali                – 6: 50 am                                                Vishnu Nagar  – 7: 00 am

  Mangal Park        – 6: 55 am                                                 Ashokvan        – 7:25 am           2 st Trip

   Vivek Nagar         -7: 00 am                                                 Main Road      – 7:30 am

   Sharad Nagar      -7: 15 am         2 st Trip

School Bus No-3 (1118 Driver- Imran)

Nehroli :        –  6:45 am                   I st Trip

Pawni Pada :  – 6:50 am

Shrish Pada :  – 7:00 am

kone :              – 7:00 am

Dupare pada:   – 7:05 am

M.I.D.C.             – 7:15 am

Gandhre            – 7 :20 am

Shastri Nagar    – 7:35 am              2 st Trip


Circular No.154                       Date: 14 Feb 23

For Std  Nursery to VIII Students,

       On Friday 17/02/2022 there will be Drawing & Powada / Song Competitions of Std Nursery -8 TH Students Competition is as given below.

Pre Primary- Shivaji Maharaj  Portrait  coloring

Std 1-3= Song Competition

                 Theme –Shivaji  Maharaj

Std 4-8    = Powada Competition.

Participated Students can come is Shivaji Maharaj attire


Circular No.155                       Date: 16 Feb 23

For Std  Nursery to IX Students,

                                                  From 21/02/2023 H.S.C. Board exam is started in the school campus. Given   below is the schedule of the exam.

1 21/02/2023 HOLIDAY
2 22/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
3 23/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
4 24/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
5 25/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
7 27/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
8 28/02/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
9 1/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
10 2/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 2:00 PM
11 3/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
12 4/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
1 6/3/2023 Exam Starts  8:00 AM TO 11.45 AM
2 7/3/2023 HOLIDAY
3 8/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
4 9/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11.45 AM
5 10/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11.45 AM
7 11/3/2023 8:00 AM TO 11.45 AM
8 13/3/23 8:00 AM TO 11.45 AM
9 14/3/23 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
10 15/3/23 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
11 16/3/23 8:00 AM TO 11.45 AM
9 17/3/23 8:00 AM TO 9.45 AM
10 18/3/23 HOLIDAY

NOTE- 1) During HSC EXAM period lecture will starts from exact 8:00 am .

2) All Students should reach school till 7:40 am.

3) Given below is  the school bus schedule during the HSC Exam.

    School Bus No-1 (3802 Driver- Mokim)       School Bus No- 2 (8808 Driver –Faiz)    

                Muslim Ali            – 6: 45 am           I st Trip                       

Shivaji Nagar   –  6: 45 am         I st Trip 

  Kadiwali                – 6: 50 am                                         Vishnu Nagar  – 7: 00 am

  Mangal Park        – 6: 55 am                           Ashokvan        – 7:25 am           2 st Trip

   Vivek Nagar         -7: 00 am                                             Main Road      – 7:30 am

   Sharad Nagar      -7: 15 am         2 st Trip

School Bus No-3 (1118 Driver- Imran)

Nehroli :        –  6:45 am                   I st Trip

Pawni Pada :  – 6:50 am

Shrish Pada :  – 7:00 am

kone :              – 7:00 am

Dupare pada:   – 7:05 am

M.I.D.C.             – 7:15 am

Gandhre            – 7 :20 am

Shastri Nagar    – 7:35 am              2 st Trip


Circular No.156                       Date: 17 Feb 23

For Std  Nursery to IX Students,

                     On Saturday  18/02/2023 there will be holiday on account of MAHASHIVRATRI school will Open On Monday, 20/02/2023. Regularly.


Circular No.157                       Date: 20 Feb 23

For Std  I to VIII Students,

                                   Given below is the lecture timetable during HSC Board examination.


  Note– 1) Std 2-5 e.v.s /sci/ lecture will be taken by sanjivani maam

        2)Std 5cth S.S Lecture will be taken by tarannum maam.


Circular No.158                      Date: 23 Feb 23

For Std  Nursery to VIII Students,

       From 27/2/2023 S.A II Online exam is going to be start this exam is on ERP Timing of the exam is 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm.

Given below is the schedule of the exam.

27/02/2023- English

28/02/2023 – Marathi

01/03/2023 – Hindi

02/03/2023 – maths

03/03/2023 – EVS/Sci

04/03/2023 – S.S


Circular No.159                      Date: 4 March 23

For Std  X Students,

                             From 02/03/2023 school of std X has been started on regular basis. Attendance of all students is Mandatory without 75% attendance students is not eligible  to appear for the board examination. From the 1 st day of school, teaching part is started & it will not reteach again  for the absent students. Incomplete study /notes have to do at their own way school teacher or management will not responsible for the pending study of the student.


Circular No.160                   Date: 4 March 23

For Std  X Students,

                                            School timing of Std X for March month will be 8:30 am to 2:30 pm students will be dropped at Wada bus stand parents have to take their words from Wada bus stand at 2:40pm


Circular No.161                  Date: 8 March 23

For Std  X Students,

                                            Today school will leave at 12:00 pm . Students will leave at Wada Bus Stand.



Circular No.162                 Date: 8 March 23

For Abacus Students,

                                       There will be regular lectures of Abacus in the April month. Abacus students’ attendance is must in the April month.



Circular No.163                Date: 15 March 23

For Std 5 to 8 Students,

                              School Management has arranged 20 tickets for the show “JANATA RAJA” (जाणता राजा)

Held at Shivaji Park Dadar on Friday 17/03/2023 School has arranged one vehicle for the students. Parents have to pay the  traveling charge to the school.

Traveling charge is Rs. 580/-

Parents have to pay the fee till 17/03/2023. Parents can do the online payment of it After payment parents have to send the screenshot to Dhanashree maam.

Note- 1) Only 19 seats are available for students. 1 Seat is reserved for teacher.

     2) Interested students’ parents have to pay as early as possible because seats are limited.



Circular No.164               Date: 15 March 23

For Std Pre- Primary Students,

                                            There will be Dance Activity of Pre-Primary Students after the S.A.-2 exam.

Students have to come to school on 18/03/2023, 20/03/2023 & 21/03/2023. After During these day only

Dance practice will be taken.


Circular No.165                 Date: 15 March 23

For Std Pre- Primary Students,

                                                 From 23/03/2023 to 01/04 /2023 there will be holidays for Pre primary students. New academic year will be starts from Monday 03/04 2023.



Circular No.166              Date: 15 March 23

For Std 1 TO 8 Students,

                                          After S.A.2 exam there will be “Dance & Karate “activity for the Students. Given below are the dates When Students have to come to school for the practice.

Std 1 to 4 = 18/03/23 to 24/3/23

Std 5 to 8 = 27/03/23 to 29/3/23

 During these days only Dance & Karate practice will be taken.

– After the given dates students of motioned classes will have holidays.

-New academic year will be starts from Monday 03/04/2023.

Note- students will get a recorded video of dance steps. students have to do the practice of it during the holidays . Standard wise Dance & Karate Programme schedule   is as follows –

    Std        5  –  8 =        Wednesday,  05/04/2023

    Std        1  – 4 =           Thursday,     06/04/2023

    Std   Pre-Primary = Saturday  ,      08/04/2023     

Timing of the event = 9:00 – 12:00                 



Circular No.167               Date: 16 March 23

For Std 5 to 8 Students,

                                                 On Wednesday 22/03/2023 there will be Gudi Padwa  celebration .

Our school is going to participate in the Gudi Padwa Ealy taken out from Ram Mandir wada.

Our school is going to represents the” cultural heritage of Maharashtra” So, interested students have to give their names to their class teachers for participating in this event.



Circular No.168               Date: 17 March 23

For all Students of nursery,

                                                     From 18/03/2023 to 29/03/2023 school timing for students is 9:00 to 2:00

All students should reach school till 8:50 Given below is the school bus schedule

Driver – Imran                                                                     Driver- Mokim

Nehroli- 7:50S                                                                   Suyog Nagar- 8:15

Shirishpada – 8:00                                                           Mangal Park – 8:20

Kone- 8:00                                                                         Kadiwali Road- 8:20

Pahuni pada- 8:05                                                            Viveknagar- 8:30

Gandhre – 8:10                                                                 Ekta Nagar- 8:40

MIDC – 8:10                                                                        Sharad Nagar- 8:45

Vishnu Nagar- 8:15                                                             Shivaji Nagar- 8:50

 Kailas Taukis- 8:20

Shastri Nagar- 8:25

 Ashokvan – 8:35

Main Road- 8:40

                           Std 10 th Students school timing is 8:00 to 2:00 All students pick up drop point will be wada bus stand at 7:50.



Circular No.169             Date: 17 March 23

For Std 1 to 8 Student

                                       Given below are the holiday days of Mentioned classes.

   Pre Premary Student – 22/03/2023 to 01/04/2023

   Std 1 to 4                      – 25/03/2023 to 01/04/2023                 

    Std 5 TO 8                   –  18/03/2023 TO 25/03/2023



Circular No.170             Date: 18 March 23

For Std  1 TO 4 TH Students,

                     From Monday 20/03/2023 to 24/03/2023 School Timing  For Students is 9:30 to 2:00

           All Students should reach school till 9:20 am.

              Given below is the school bus schedule

Driver – Imran                          Driver – Mokim                             Driver – Faiz               

Nehroli –   8:20                                   Suyog nagar-   8:45                             Ashokwan – 8:50

Shrishpada – 8:30                              Mangal Park     –  8:50                        Shivajinagar- 9:00

Kone- 8:30                                           Kadiwali –  8:50                                   Shashtri Nagar- 9:05

Pahunipada – 8:35                             Vivek nagar-  9:00

Gandhare – 8:40                                Ekta Nagar- 9:10

MIDC – 8:40                                        Sharad Nagar-  9:15

Vishnu Nagar- 8:45

Kailas Taukis- 8:50



Circular No.171           Date: 23 March 2023

For Std  1 TO 4 TH Students,

                                                  On 29/03/2023 there will be S.A-II Open day of Std Nursery to 4 th Timing is 9:00am to 10:00 am. Attendance of all parents is compulsory.



Circular No.172           Date: 23 March 2023

For Std  5 TO 8 TH Students,

                                                   On Friday 31/03/2023, there will be S.A.-II Open day of std 5 th to 8 th Timing is 9:00am to 10 : 00 am. Attendance of all parents is compulsory.



Circular No.173           Date: 23 March 2023

For Std  5 TO 8 TH Students,

                                                   On Friday 31/03/2023, there will be S.A.-II Open day of std 5th  to 8th  Timing is 9:00am to 10 : 00 am. Attendance of all parents is compulsory.



Circular No.174           Date: 23 March 2023

For Std  10 TH Students,

                                     On Saturday 25/03/2023 there will be parents meeting of std 10 th parents.

Timing of the meeting is 12:30 pm to 1:30pm.

All Students & Parents attendance is very compulsory.



             Circular No. 175               Date: 06 June 2023

For Std 1 st  TO 10 th  Students,

                                                  As the Heat rises nowadays, school Management has decided to decrease the school timing from 2:30pm to 12:30 pm. for this week (Tuesday – Saturday).

  New school timing for this week is form 8:15 qm to 12:30 pm.

Parents kindly follow the changed school timing.

For Pre-Primary Students,

School Timing will be from

8.15am to 11.00 am.



Circular No.176            Date: 25 March 2023

For Std 1 st  TO 9 th  Students,

                                                        New book set of next academic year is available at school. Parents can collect the books from  school from 27/03/2023 onwards.

  Std     Nursery- 1940

              Jr.KG –    2310

               Sr KG-   2260

                    I   –    2267

                    II –    2182

                              III   – 2567                                              

                    IV    –  2802

                    V    –  3162

                     VI   –  1781

                     VII   –  2094

                     VIII  – 1834

                      IX      1834

Parents can do the online payment of the books. After online payment send screen short of payment to Dhanashre maam.



Circular No.177           Date: 27 March 2023

For Std 1 st  TO 8 th  Students,

                                           New Book set of next academic year is available at school. Parents have to collect books of their wards from today onwards.

 Note-   1) Parents have clear 1 ST Installment of their wards.1st Installment is include books,                         

                   accessories& term fee

              2) If any parents does not want to buy book from school, those parents have to pay fee of

    accessories & term fee

              3)Parents have to clear 1 st installment in the 1 st week of April (till 08/04/2023)

        4) Parents can contact Dhanashree Maam for ant Query Regarding of the fees.



Circular No.178           Date: 29 March 2023

For Std 5 st  TO 10 th  Students,

                                                    Tomorrow, 30/03/2023 there will be holiday for std 5 to 10 Students on account of Ram Navami.



Circular No.179           Date: 29 March 2023

For Std  10 th  Students,

                                                    There will be holidays for std 10 th Students from 30/03/2023 to 01/03/2023 School will reopen on Monday 03/04/2023.



Circular No.180           Date: 29 March 2023

For Std  1 to 10 th  Students,

                                     School timing of std 1 st to 10 Students in April month will be from 8:30 to 12:00

    All Students have to reach school till 8:15 am.



Circular No.1           Date: 3 April  2023

For Std  1 to 10 th  Students,

                                     Tomorrow there is a holiday account of Mahavir Jayanti.



Circular No.2           Date: 10 April  2023

For Std  1 to 10 th  Students,

                           Given below is the cost of P.T uniform & school uniform  parents. Have to pay the fees of uniform as early as possible

  School Uniform P.T Uniform Total
Std Boys Girls Boys Girls
       Nursery 450 490 450 900 940
Jr KG 460 510 470 930 980
Sr KG 470 540 490 960 1030
I 490 880 680 1170 1560
II 810 900 710 1520 1610
III 840 930 710 1550 1640
IV 860 950 740 1600 1690
V 1250 1250 740 1990 1990
VI 1270 1270 770 2040 2040
VII 1300 1300 770 2070 2070
VIII 1320 1320 800 2120 2120
IX 1370 1370 800 2170 2170
X 1390 1390 800 2190 2190

Note- Tomorrow tailor is coming in school to take students measurement for uniform. So, all student’s attendance is compulsory.



Circular No.3           Date: 12 April  2023

For Std   I TO VIII th  Students,

                          On Saturday 15/4/2023 there will be speech /essay/ Drawing competition for the students of Std 1 to 8 on account of birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Schedule of the Competition is as below.

Std 1 to 3 speech competitions

Topic 1) Biography of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

2) contribution of Dr .B.R. Ambedkar is Indian constitution

Std 4 to 6 – Drawing/song – any B.R. Ambedkar related song.

Topic – 1) portrait   off Dr B.R. Ambedkar.

Std 7 to 8 – Essay competition

Topic – 1) Biography of dr. B.R. Ambedkar

               2) contribution of Dr B.R. Ambedkar is an Indian constitution & society.



Circular No.4           Date: 13 April  2023

For Std  1 st to  10  th  Students,

               Tomorrow on 14/4/2023 there will be a holiday on account of birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.


                                                     GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,HAROSALE , WADA.

Circular No.5           Date: 15 April  2023

For Std  1 st to  8 th  Students,

             On Monday 17/4/2023 there will be Handwriting competition for the student of std 1 to 8

Class teacher has to take this competition of their class in the first lecture.

Give any 1 page of English /EVS/Science test book for the competition.



Circular No.6           Date: 18 April  2023

For Std   10 th   Students,

                                                 Std 10 th students regular school is till 6/5/2023 summer vacation will be starts from 8/5/2023 onwards school will reopen on Monday 22/5/2023  onwards Attendance of all students is compulsory. 

   For Std 1st to 9 th Students,       

                                               Summer vacation will starts from Thursday 27/4/2023 onwards students have regular school till Wednesday 26/4/2023.

School will re open on Monday 5/6/2023 on regular basis.



Circular No.7          Date: 19/4/ 2023

For Std   1st to  9th   Students,

                                    On Monday, 24/04/2028 there will be a “Cycle Marathon’ in school

Interested students have to bring their own cycle to participate in this marathon.

 Schedule of the marathon is as below

  1.  I group std 1 to  4 students. In school

 2) I group-std 5 to 9 students.

 Other School students can also participate in this marathon.

Note: 1) There will be a Reward for the winners

  • Students have to being Lemonade, Glucon Dor Juice with them.



Circular No. 8         Date: 21/04/ 2023

For Std   1st  to  9th   Students,

                                                Due to high temperature cycle Marathon cancelled for all classes.

We will held it after summer vacation and we will send proper notice.

All Teachers and Std I to 10 th std.

On Saturday 22/4/23 there will be holiday account  of Eid

(Send it on ERP and class room also)

All Teachers submit your all given department wise work on Monday 24/4/23


Circular No.9           Date: 24/04/ 2023

For Std   V  to  IX   Students,

                                    Ministry of women & child development Govt. of Indian is celebrating Children sports festival under Azadi ka Amrit Mohotsav in the month of April 2023. Given below is the schedule of the sports. It is held on Wednesday ,  26/4/2023.

Individual game

Std 5 TH – Tug of war

Std 6 th – Badminton

Std 7 th – Chess

Std 8 th – Carram

Std 9 th – Long Jump.

Group game – Std 5 th to 9 th  Dodge ball, Basketball, Kabaddi Kho-Kho.


Circular No.10           Date: 24/04/ 2023

For Std   X   Students,

                                    School bus is available for Std 10 th students at Wada Bus stand at 8: 00 am from 26/04/2023 to 06/05/2023.



Circular No.10        Date: 11/05/ 2023

For all students,

                Thursday 11/5/2023 there will be a celebrate national technology week in a school.

Topic- Scientific Achievements technology

                This competition held on our school Saturday 13/5/2023

Std – I TO IV- Quinze competition

Std – V TO VII – Poster making competition

Std- VIII TO IX – Essay writing competition

Notice- Parents are requested to participate the above competition as it is an online competition link for the send will be provided on ERP.

Photos of the above competition have to be sent on ERP by parents.



Circular No. 11             Date: 11/05/ 2023

For all students,

     There will be a celebrate International Museum Day on Saturday 20/5/2023

 Topic- Museums subtainaibility and well being

This competition is for

Std – I TO IV- Quinze competition

Std – V TO VII – Poster making competition

Std- VIII TO IX – Essay writing competition

 Notice- Parents are requested to participate the above competition as it is an online competition link for the send will be provided on ERP.

Photos of the above competition have to be sent on ERP by parents.

                                                GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,HAROSALE , WADA.

Circular No.  12            Date: 31/05/ 2023

For Std I  to VIII Students,

                                                On Monday 5/6/2023 there will be Drawing/coloring/ Essay Competitions for the students on account of schedule of the competition is as below

Std I TO II – Coloring competition

Std III TO VI – Drawing competition

Std VII TO VIII – Essay Competition

Note –

1) For coloring & Drawing competition , students will get a coloring sheet from the school students have to  bring colors/ crayons for the competition

 2) Class teacher has to take the competition in the 1 st lectures only.


                                                 Circular No.13                           Date: 02/06/ 2023

For Std I  to X Students,

                                      On birthdays chocolate distribution is not allowed in school instead of chocolate student can distribute any other school necessary thing like pencil, pen, eraser, etc. Parents have to follow this rule strictly.


                                                 Circular No. 14                          Date: 3/06/ 2023

For Std  X Students,

                                All Students of Std 10 th have to give email Id of their parents till Monday 05/06/2023.



                                                 Circular No. 15                           Date: 06/06/ 2023

For Std  IX Students,

                                Std IX Students have to do the work of volunteer ship for the June month.



                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 8/06/ 2023

For Students of Std  I TO  X Students,

                                                             All girls Student have to tie two pony tails with black ribbon compulsory & all boy students no fashionable hair style is allowed. boy Student should come in proper haircut.



                                                 Circular No.                           Date: 8/06/ 2023

For Girls Students of Std  I TO  X Students,

                                                       Sleeve less attire is not allowed to wear in school.



                                                 Circular No.                           Date: 8/06/ 2023

For  Std  VIII TO  X Students,

                                                       Tomorrow there will be combined meeting in std VIII Classroom. All student should be present in this meeting.



                                                 Circular No.                           Date: 9/06/ 2023

For  Students of  Std  I TO  X Students,

                                                            P.T Uniform is available at school. Parents have to pay the fee of it & can collect from school.



                                                 Circular No.                            Date: 9/06/ 2023

For Students of  Std  I TO  IX Students,

                                                                Abacus lectures for new level will be started from Friday 16/6/2023 onwards regularly . Interested parents can pay the fee the & enroll their child in it.



                                                 Circular No.                           Date: 9/06/ 2023

For Students of Std  I TO  VIII Students,

                                                   Tomorrow there will be YOGA Class for the mention classes. All Students have to come in P.T. Uniform.


                                GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL,HAROSALE , WADA.

                                                 Circular No.                           Date: 16/06/ 2023

For Students of Std  I TO  X Students,

                                There will be table competition of Std I Students on Friday 23/6/2023 Students have to learn & write the tables of this competition will held in the 1 st lecture schedule of the competition is as below.

Std I – IV – Tables from I- 10

Std V – VII – Tables from I- 20

Std VIII – X = Tables from I – 1-25



                                                 Circular No.                           Date: 16/06/ 2023

For Std X Students,

                        P.T –I Exam of std X is started from Monday 26/6/2023 onwards schedules of the exam is as follows-

Monday- 26/6/2023                        English- 8:45 11 : 45

Tuesday – 27/6/2023                      Marathi- 8:45 11 : 45

Wednesday – 28/6//2023              maths – 8:45 11 : 45

Friday – 30/6/2023                          science- 8:45 11 : 45

Saturday- 1/7/2023                          S.S – 8:45 11 : 45



                                                 Circular No.                           Date: 16/06/ 2023

For Students of  Std  I To X Students,

                                                This is to inform you that there will be table writing competition on 23/06/2023, Friday for Std I To X The Competition will be held / conducting in First period only.

Tables as per standard .

Std I to IV –  Tables from 1 to 10

Std V to VII – Tables from 11 to 20

Std VIII to X – Tables from 16 to 25



                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 16/06/ 2023

For  Std  X Students & Teachers,

                                    There will be First perodic test Communing from Monday 26/6/2023 Time tables of the exam is as follows.

Monday-            26/6/2023 –  English       

Tuesday-           27/6/2023 –    Marathi

Wednesday-     28/6/2023 –     maths

Friday                 30/6/2023  –             Science

Saturday            01/07/2023  –    S.S.


                                                 Circular No.                         Date: 20/06/ 2023

For Std I to  X Students,

                                    There will be monthly Parents meeting on Saturday 24/6/2023. Attendance of all parents is mandatory. On each 4 th Saturday of month there will be monthly parents meeting students have holiday on this day. 



                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 20/06/ 2023

For Std I to X Students,

                        There will be ‘YOGA DAY’ Celebration in school, On 21/6/2023, Wednesday. All students have to bring mat for the Yoga. All students have to come in P.T. Uniform on this day.



                                                 Circular No.                         Date: 23/06/ 2023

For Std Nursery to  IX Students,

                        There will PTM on SR.KG & 6 TH to Saturday, 24/6/2023 of std Nursery to IX Schedule of the PTM is as given below-

Std   Nursery to Sr.KG = 9:00 am to 10: 00 am

Std VI to IX                  = 10:30 am to 11: 30 am

Note- 1) Parents have to attend the meeting compulsory.

    2)Parents have to bring school diary of their ward while coming for meeting



                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 23/06/ 2023

For Std I to V Students,

                                    Due to some of the unavoidable situation, PTM has been postponed on 30/6/2023, Friday. Schedule of the meeting is as given below-

Notice- 1) Parents attendance is Mandatory.

  • Parents have to bring school dairy of their ward while coming for the meeting.



                                                 Circular No.                         Date: 07/07/ 2023

For Students of  Std I to X Students,

                                    Due to shortage of some textbook school exam unit test – I is going to be postponed on 24/7/2023 Monday for the Std I to X .

                                    Tomorrow there will be investiture ceremony for std I- X at 9:00 am.



                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 11/07/ 2023

For Students of  Std I to IX Students,

                                                School is going to conduct Olympiad exam of English Mathematics Science in school. Interested students have to give their names to the class teachers of their respected class till 22/7/2023. Given below is fee structure of the exam.

  1. International English Olympiad  – (IMO)

Std I to IX = 150  Total 250   

SOF Registration fee – 100

  • International Mathematics Olympiad(IMO)

Std I to V = 100 Registration fee

Std I to V = 150

Std VI to IX = 190

Std I to V =  Total fee -250

Std VI to IX =  Total fee -290

  • National Science Olympiad (NSO)

Registration fees = 100

Std I to V = 150

Std VI to IX = 190

      Total fee std I to V = 250,                           std I to V = 290

Parents have to pay the fee to the dhanashri maam parents  can do the online. Payment on the schools account number & have to share details to dhanashri.


                                            Circular No.                         Date: 11/07/ 2023

For Std 2 nd to 4 th & 6 th to 7 th students,

                                                School is going to register in the Maharashtra  Pradnya shodh pariksha (MPSP) . Interested  students of mentioned classes can enroll  their names for this exam. Students have to give name to their class teachers. Till 22/07/2023.

Given below is the fee schedule of it .

II 420 420 520
III 520 520 520
IV 520 520 520
VI 520 520 520
VII 520 520 520

Parents can do the online payment. Have to share details to Dhanashree maam .



                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 24/07/ 2023

For Std I to X Students,

                        The P.A – I exam is going to commerce from 26/7/2023. Wednesday students should follow the exam time table from 26/7/2023 onwards.

For I TO IV Std exam dates are 26/7/2023, 27/7/2023,28/7/2023.

For V TO X Std their 24/7/2023 & 25/7/2023 papers will be on 01/8/2023 & 02/8/2023 respectively

There will be half day during exam students will be leaving at 12:00 pm.

Students should carry writing pad,

Their exam paper materials & so on. Their will be revision of next day paper. Carry the textbook, notebook or workbook.


                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 01/08/ 2023

For  Parents & Students of Std I to X Students,

                                    This is to inform you that, all of you are requested to clear school as well as private van monthly transport fee till 10 th August 2023. If Private Vehicle will be discontinue then school is not responsible for the same .

                                    From 1 st August to 3 rd August there will be half day school for std 1 st  TO 4 th

Students should carry first 5 periods.

                                    From 1 st August onwards Monday to Thursday students should come on school uniform, & Friday , Saturday P.T. Uniform. Those who haven’t got they can come in civil.

—————————————————————————————————————————————– GURUKUL GLOBAL SCHOOL, HAROSALE, WADA.

                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 01/08/ 2023

For Std 8 th  &  9 th  Students,

                                    There will be Exam Competition based on Bhagavad-Gita Adhyayan 1 to 8 for Std VIII Exam fee will be 50 per students.

                                    And Science Talent search competition is for std IX Probably the exam will be in the month of November competition Fee will be 20 per students.



                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 01/08/ 2023

For  Std I TO IX Students,

                                    There will be painting /Drawing /Song & Speech Competition on 12/8/2023 Saturday during 1 st & 2 nd Lecture classification as below.

Pre- primary – Nursery -Flag coloring

                           JR & SR – Freedom Birds & in Tri colour

  STD I & II              –   Bharatmata  colouring

  STD III & V            –  Drawing Competition

          Topic              –  Red Fort , Chandrayan, India Gate

  STD VI & VII           – Singing Competition (Group)

           Topic             – Any Patriotic  song.  ( Minimum 2 & Maximum 5 students.)         

STD VIII & IX            –  Speech Competition

            Topic            –  1) The Spirit of patriotism in youth  2) Azadi  ka Amrita Mohotsav It is compulsory to participate  for Std VIII & IX


                                                 Circular No.                          Date: 01/08/ 2023

For Students,

                        Tomorrow there will be Independence day celebration in our school at 7:30 am. Students are supposed to report the school by 7: 25 am.

                        Following is the Schedule of Bus rots

BUS NO 1118   –  IMRAN UNCLE              BUS NO 8808   –  FAIZ UNCLE

       (  I Trip )                                                    (  I Trip )                                                              

Shirishpada – 6: 30                              

Pavnipada    – 6: 30                                 

Kone              – 6: 35

Duparepad   – 6: 35

MIDC             – 6 : 40

Gandhre       – 6 : 45

(II Trip)

Shashri Nagar  – 7 : 00

Main Road      – 7: 10