Practices adopted for balancing the load of Home Work

Students are given homework for different subjects on rotation. Homework for English and Maths is given alternately every day. Along with it the other subjects are given day wise.

Grade 3-5 get two subjects every day Maths and English are given on alternate days along with one more subject.

Days have been allotted subject wise for each grade.

Worksheets are given to make HW interesting and to balance the workload.

Grades 3 – 5

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maths English Maths English Maths
Hindi Science SST Science Science

Grades 6 and 7 gets Maths and English HW on daily basis. HW of one more subject is added to it on rotation (Subject Wise)

Worksheets are given to make HW interesting and to balance the workload.

Grades 6 and 7

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths
English English English English English
Science SST Hindi Science SST


No Home Work Policy for Grade I and II

School strictly implements “ No homework policy” for classes I and II However the parents are advised to involve themselves with their wards in activities bases on the curriculum during the weekends.