Today, Gurukul Global School held its much-anticipated elections for class monitors. This event was a significant opportunity for students to experience the democratic process firsthand and take on leadership roles within their classrooms.
The election process began with each candidate presenting their manifesto, outlining their plans and promises to their fellow students. The speeches were inspiring and demonstrated the candidates’ commitment to their peers and school community.
Following the presentations, students cast their votes in a formal voting process. Ballot boxes were set up, and each student exercised their right to vote, selecting the candidate they believed would best represent their class.
The turnout for the election was impressive, with enthusiastic participation from students across all grades. The spirit of democracy was evident as students engaged in discussions about the candidates and their platforms.
The votes were then carefully counted, and the results were announced later in the day. The newly elected monitors were met with cheers and applause from their classmates, marking the beginning of their term as class leaders.
The election at Gurukul Global School was not just about selecting monitors; it was an educational experience that underscored the importance of civic engagement and leadership. The school is proud of all the candidates for their courage and dedication, and looks forward to seeing the positive impact the new monitors will have on the school community.